Ex Machina

At the beginning it's interesting, the ambientation and atmosphere makes it a little bit creepy and good, but I have to tell that the plot was good till the guy decides to think with his other head, come on, she's a robot. and that plan wasn't very original either, I mean, the typical nerd who gets manipulated by a woman, just that this time is a robot woman. I don't know, I just don't think this was that good.

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I agree. I do not understand the people that think this is such a great movie.

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Ex Machina

Reply by Cajon

This is an amazing movie.
Sets the bar for 2015, now we just have to see if 'the big ones' (Mad Max, Jurassic World, Hunger Games and ofc. Star Wars) are going to beat it. Maybe I'll write an extensive review later.

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Do you work for the company?

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Ex Machina

Reply by Cajon

Wow going by the previous comments I reckon trak.tv has been infiltrated by robots. This film was a massive steaming pile of waste engine oil.

There's a whole chunk of my life I wont see again.

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You are so correct! Just happy I did not PAY to see it.

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