Spanning60+Years Of Entertainment


None Of Your Businesss


The movie's ending was so stupid and ridiculous!! I thought this was going to be an epic movie. I am so disappointment. The only reason I wanted to see this movie was because Jon Bernthal is in it. If you're bothered by stupid endings, I don't recommend this movie.

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Uncut Gems

I didn't like this movie as much as others. It was quite obvious to me that Chandler's character had some form of OCD, and I think it was way over done. Although I hated the ending, the movie did keep my attention, unfortunately I can't say I loved thismovie.

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Hit & Run

Damn it!! I should have known better to watch this.. It's from Netflix!! FUCK!! Netflix has very few note worthy movies or TV shows, and when they finally get one, they either cancel upon first season, or they leave fans with no satisfactory ending. Netflix SUCKS!! They need to fire the head of Netflix. ((&%&^R&*U)I_P_+

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Marvel's Runaways

This show was VERY BORING!!! In fact, it was so boring, I skipped quite a number of episodes just so I can end my own torture. The only ones with the coolest powers were Cloak and Dagger. But, even with those two, their acting was so bad! I refuse to believe these kids had any professional acting lessons. The script was absolutely awful!! I absolutely HATE IT when these superhero shows make everything about their romantic relationships. It shouldn't have been even about superheroes. I'm serious!!

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OK... Lex Luthor is a huge DC character to drop in this season. I've noticed that there are only 6 episodes of this season. If you M*therf*ckers cancel the show after this season, I WILL BE ONE PISSED OF FAN! STOP CANCELING SH*t!!! Love you're fan. LOLOL :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: But, seriously. Don't cancel it.

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Titans: Season 4

I'm just gonna guess that since there are only 6 episodes in the fourth season, that this is the final season? Producers really know how to disappoint fans!! You guys suck!!

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Jeepers Creepers: Reborn

Honestly, I'm really shocked that IMDB gave this movie such a bad rating. Now, I'm not gonna lie, I don't consider this a stellar movie performance, but it did kept my attention. I think in today's era, for not employing tons of CGI; and making the choice of using old fashioned talent and creativity was brave, and smart. This was the first time I saw a movie with such a low IMDB rating (2.9), and turned out I really liked it. Sure it was like watching Jason as a goblin from hell LOLOLOLOLOL But, at the same time, it had a lot of action, it made me jump once or twice, and I don't think I was severely disappointed. #SupernaturalMovies #Horror #HorrorForLife

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No doubt, this movie had plenty of action! The lion looked pretty realistic for a CGI. The only thing that annoyed me was the two girls that played Idris daughters. The creators made those girls to whiny and too annoying. In real life, I don't think those girls would have behaved that way in the face of danger. But, nevertheless, the movie was fantastic. Another great Idris movie!!

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Warrior: Season 1

It is rare that I give high ratings to a show or movie these days. However, this show ROCKS!!!! I haven't seen a show with not only good unique martial arts, but a well written script in a long long time. I highly recommend watching this mini-series. And by the way, Andrew Koji is HOT!! :fire:

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Moon Knight

I love me a good superhero show, but this is not it. It seems like I've been giving a lot of bad reviews lately, and I really hate it. But in my opinion, I think this script really sucked. Not every writer and actor, can pull of a duel personality. The hero of the show jumped into a body of a total wimp! It was really annoying to watch. It really felt like a hindrance to the show. Sorry. Respect to the fans, but I didn't think this show deserved a 7.6 IMDB rating.

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I had to rate this a 6 (fair). Despite the beautiful special effects and all the action scenes; the movie was way too long than it needed to be. Disappointed by the ending. Don't watch this movie expecting anything other than great special effects.

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What We Do in the Shadows: 3x02 The Cloak of Duplication

For the most part, I think this show is uniquely funny. You have to be the type of person to like goofy type of comedy. This is a vampire comedy shot in the style of reality TV.

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Moon Knight

I'm sorry to say, I was not impressed with the first episode. So far, I interpret this show as, the studio trying obviously VERY hard to produce a show very close to #Venom.

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Texas Chainsaw Massacre

I've never been a "slasher film" kind of guy, but I just was curious as to what Netflix can come up with. But once again, I am disappointed. As one reviewer @Nox said, "turn off your brain and enjoy the gore." He could not have been more correct. A lot of the sh*t in this movie makes absolutely no sense. And I am totally PISSED that the Black girl didn't call the police, or even alert her "group of people." . Just don't view this movie expecting some sort of coherent logic. Who ever did the script for this must have been stoned.

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I'm just gonna let you know off the bat, you're not gonna like the ending (completely anyway). I can't give this movie a high rating, but they do have some great realistic gore scenes! I think I like the concept of the move, although I feel there was more information that was sort of left out, and I had to draw my own conclusions. Right now, this movie left me at neutral. It wasn't a great movie by any stretch, but there are elite groups of people that like these types of movies. BY THE WAY, is it my imagination, or does George Young look exactly like Pete Buttigieg? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Are they related???

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This movie was incredibly violent. If you're not into blood and gang related movies, this is not for you! I think this movie could have been shortened a great deal. I really felt that for the subject matter, the movie ran far too long than it needed to be. But, I did enjoy it.

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Titans: 3x06 Lady Vic

6 episodes in, and I'm not impressed. Come on guys, pick up the pace. Stop it with all this family emotional trauma crap and give me some real action.

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Peaky Blinders

I see that IMDB has a season 6. I wonder if this is true?

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Blood Conscious

Don't waist your time.. Please, don't do it to yourself....

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As an American, I really enjoyed this movie. My only complaint is that the bad guy should have gotten a bigger beating than he did. However, I had to realize that there are cultural differences. Nevertheless, I was very satisfied by the ending. This calls the attention of the still real problem of the sex trafficking of young girls in India.

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Shababnikim: 2x01 The Jewish Mind

OMG! These guys are gorgeous!!!

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I really believe this can happen all over again. Even today, if your employer got a wiff of someone trying to start a union, they'd find away to fire you so quick, you won't know what hit you. Damn, I had to turn on the subtitles for Stallone. How the hell he ended up the famous actor he is today? I guess it really helps to have had a mother who was into astrology.

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The House Next Door: Meet the Blacks 2

Ok..... I'd say that this is definitely not the kind of movie you should break your neck to see. However, movies like these are for specific kinds of people. If you are unable to judge the quality of a movie without getting past the fact that this is obviously low budget, I'd say this movie is not for you. Also, this is one of those rare moments I have to say, I think you have to be Black to understand a lot of the jokes in this movie. There are scenes in here that are almost exclusively Black. Not just Black, but, ghetto Black. So, if you're a snowflake, or a Briant Gumbel type of mutherf***, don't bother watching, 'cause yo *ss won't get it.

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Spenser: For Hire

Spencer For Hire (1985). Don’t be fooled by the fact that this is an 80s TV show. This show is action packed! The only other cop show I truly love (next to Kojak). If you’re looking for a great classic TV show to introduce your children to, select Spencer For Hire! Also, you can’t go wrong by seeing Hawk in action. It was like watching two cop shows in one. Their chemistry worked really well together. The show contains every subject matter, drugs, death, kidnapping, you name it! Everything we expect from a classic TV cop show!! Currently streaming on iTunes and IMDB TV.

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Gangs of London

I am hoping that a second season is coming!!!

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Gangs of London

I am crossing my fingers that there is a second season. This sh*t is GOOD!!!! 100%

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I rated this movie as "fair." For me, it wasn't the greatest disaster movie, however, it was good for it's time. Timothy Bottom was absolutely gorgeous when he was young. The destruction scenes appear to be amateurish, almost like watching buildings fall after Godzilla smacks them with it's tail. Although the bad guy got his just deserts, the ending was really lame in my opinion. I wouldn't exactly vote against watching this movie, but, if you do watch it, keep in mind that it's a seventies movie.

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Man from Del Rio

Man, Anthony Quinn was one :hot_pepper: HOT:hot_pepper: Mexican actor!!! I rated this movie fair, accounting for the culture at the time. But, by today's standards, I would have given this about a 2 star. The movie story line was unrealistic. Basically, this is a movie about how a drunken man (Anthony Quinn) becomes sheriff and saves the town from bullies while drunk! AND of course, he gets the girl. LOLOL

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Dominion: 2x13 Sine Deo Nihil

I was not pleased with it's ending. Obviously there was supposed to be a season 3. Why do these studios do this? Why do studios have a habit of ending these seasons unfinished. It shows that they really don't care about fans, only money. Damn all of you!!

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Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One

You know.. I'm old enough to remember the late Adam West, and his version of Batman as a kid. Over the years, I just never thought that Batman would turn away from this goofy comedic character, to something so dark that he's one step a way from becoming a horror horror franchise. I enjoyed it very much tho.. #Batman #ClassicComics #ComiCon

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