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Where ??? That place there!!


This movie was ridiculous :rofl::joy::rofl:

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A Quiet Place Part II

Disappointed....the bit with the boat...oh come on
a shadow of its predecessor

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Zombieland: Double Tap

This movie felt they had no clue what to do to carry on from the previous film so they just repeated the format with the same exact everything.

The original characters are likeable and still entertaining to watch. The standout performance for me was a new character played by Zoey Deutch I enjoyed every scene she was in.

Other additions in the film I really didn't care about as they weren't really developed in a way that I would care about any of them.

If you were entertained by the first movie you'll probably still enjoy this and have a few laughs.

I felt we waited too long for a sequel and because of that it was a little underwhelming and lacked something I cant quite put my finger on.

I'll give it a 7/10 It had its moments :blush:

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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

Saw it last night......this movie was ridiculous, didn't need to be made I wish it never existed.
Did enjoy the cameos from well, you know who.
I cant even remember what the heck it was about and why was it so long the last 25-30 yawn.
Still it'll make money as the two leads are bankable right now.

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Star Trek

Just watching Spock's brain...Kirk says "Is he dead " Bones comes back with "He's worse than dead" what a line lol

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The Mandalorian: 2x05 Chapter 13: The Jedi

Throughly enjoyable and entertaining...Rosario Dawson did a great job.

Not forgetting Diana Inasanto, daughter of Dan who's also a director, writer, martial artist, stuntwoman.

Then there is Michael Biehn whose played Kyle Reese, Commander Anderson and Cpl Hicks from three of my all time favourites movies.

Cant get enough of this show glad we had a longer episode.

May the FORCE be with you

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The Gentlemen

An enjoyable romp...G.R. doing what he does best
THIS TYPE OF MOVIE sort of like SNATCH with a hint of LOCK STOCK on the side. Colin Farrell does a great job and Hugh Grant surprised me also.
Give it a looksie I think you'll like it.
Cheers :beers:

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Frasier: 1x02 Moving In

I stopped it about 10 mins in....the canned laughter seemed to be on every other word and was irritating.

No desire to watch anymore at the moment.

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The Mandalorian: 2x08 Chapter 16: The Rescue

Oh man....that was just FRICKIN BEAUTIFUL

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Flight World War II

Well they did the best they could....considering what they had to work with.
This movie was terrible.....avoid at all costs :joy::joy::joy:

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The Hunt

Great performance from Betty Gilpin, found the movie entertaining from start to finish.
After watching it really failed to understand all the negative reviews and hype that surrounded it.
Give it a chance I'm sure you'll enjoy it....8/10

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Frasier: 1x03 First Class

Ugh just doesn't work

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Frasier: 1x01 The Good Father

The best bit was the's going to need time perhaps.

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Coming 2 America

A sequel I didn't least the wardrobe and sets were absolutely fantastic, unfortunately for me nothing else was.
I was a little bored, think I managed a small laugh once and couldn't wait for it to end.
For me COMING TO AMERICA should have been left well alone, this wont be a repeat viewing for me....I wont be watching it again.

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The Flight Attendant: 1x01 In Case of Emergency

Decent start let's see where this goes

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This movie was deep on so many levels...well done PIXAR.

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Train to Busan

Throughly great was that little girl WHAT A STAR:blush:

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Welcome to Sudden Death

This was just all round AWFUL, TERRIBLE and RIDICULOUS.
OMG....The unbelievable acting, fight scenes, dialogue, score.
JCVD did it much better
1 point

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Shaun of the Dead

If this doesn't make you laugh....then you're a frickin ZOMBIE :joy::joy::joy:

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Jaws 3-D

I had just finished watching the first and second in the series and then made one of the worst mistakes ever and sat through this utter rubbish.
SAVE YOURSELVES.....DONT EVEN ATTEMPT to watch this:joy::joy::joy:

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