

united states

The Spy Who Dumped Me

I really enjoyed this! I clicked on it on Hulu on a fluke, but was engrossed in the first couple minutes. It's a great feel good, ridiculous action comedy with heartwarming friendships, witty one liners, and crazy car chases. I'm going to keep this movie on my list to re-watch when I want a cozy night full of cheesy, hilarious fun!

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Downton Abbey

I was nervous about this movie, but it turned out to be AMAZING! As a long time fan of the show, I felt it did it justice and was a great homage to what made the show great. It felt like coming home. I loved how all of the characters had their moment to shine. Thomas Barrow is my favorite, and his arc made me so happy! His character has matured so much and seeing him in action again was wonderful. The cinematography was just beautiful, the actors put on superb performances, and the music was as always - amazing. There were a couple cheesy lines and rushed plots (understandable - it's a lot to cram in 2 hours!), but they made me love it more. My friends who came with who had never seen the show even loved it as well!

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Single Parents

One of my new favorite shows! It's such a breath of fresh air - funny, feel good, and original. The parents have such a warm friendship, the kids are adorable, and the plot lines are hilarious.

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New Girl

This show is criminally underrated. The characters begin to feel like your family, the plot lines are hilarious and original, and I've laughed at a show more than this one. It's amazing from start to finish, and I wish I could watch it all over again for the first time.

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A.P. Bio

Delightfully ridiculous, feel good, and hilarious.

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Game of Thrones

Amazing if you only watch Seasons 1-3.

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The Last Ship

This show was EPIC and amazing! It had me on the edge of my seat at all times and the over the top dramatics and action scenes were delightful. Nowhere will you encounter better military porn. It was definitely a slight guilty pleasure show that had me feeling like I should be screaming "USA! USA! USA" all the time for NO reason, but I loved every minute of it. Plus, I'm a sucker for a the Found Family dynamic and the crew of the USS Nathan James fit that perfectly.

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Downton Abbey

Thomas Barrow is the best part of this show.

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The Mindy Project

This show always puts me in a good mood! Mindy was hilarious and relatable, the characters were lovable, and it was a wonderful feel good sitcom. If you're looking for a new Parks and Rec/Office/Superstore or something - try this!

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Fresh Off the Boat

My favorite feel good show. It's funny, corny, and delightful.

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Russian Doll

Do I regret watching it? No. Would I watch it again? No.

The idea is super interesting and it felt like an original take a well known trope. It got progressively weirder and weirder and suddenly turned from a drama to a horror show? The main character was kind of annoying, but I kept watching to see what would happen next.

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Season 2 was so bad that I regret watching Season 1.

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Designated Survivor

SO. GOOD. I live for the drama, political intrigue, and the characters. Definitely not the BEST show out there, but it's so entertaining that I can't help but LOVE it. Please give it a try.

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Dynasty: Season 2

Absolute garbage. I'm still in shock at how they could ruin such a good show so easily. Characters turned annoying, they got rid of the only interesting plotlines and characters, the business intrigue of the show was butchered for bad shock value, Kirby just won't die (why is she the only one acting and looking like a 15 year old when everyone else is 30?), too much Alexis, Fallon's character got ruined, new Cristal was unnecessary, and Culhane's so boring he makes me want to fall asleep.

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Pine Gap

Super interesting, with a fun cast and some great thrills. Definitely overinflates Australia's importance in American diplomatic decisions, has "we're gonna get nuked" ridiculousness all the time, and includes events that Would Just Not Be Happening Between Sovereign Nations but the characters and drama are a fun ride to watch

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Such an underrated show! As a historian, finding a show with not only action and great characters as well as a focus on history? Amazing. This show really has a positive feel to it that I love so much and the plot is interesting and unpredictable. It deserves so many more viewers!

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I love this tv show! It's cute, funny, and the characters are easy to love. Amy and Jonah's relationship is adorable as well and watching them interact makes the show even better. This is one of my guilty pleasure good mood shows that I turn to when in a bad mood.

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