The Mandalorian: Season 3

It's disheartening to read comments criticizing the series for not living up to the standards set by previous seasons and for lacking action in some episodes. I advise viewers to have patience because there is undoubtedly a bigger plan in store for the series, masterminded by Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau, which will likely involve other shows dedicated to other characters.

i respect differing opinions, but I think it's important to recognize the unique nature of The Mandalorian. It's a show that blends genres and explores the Star Wars universe in exciting ways. It's not just about flashy action scenes, but also about character development and building a world that feels authentic and immersive.

Overall, while some viewers may feel disappointed with certain aspects of the third season, I believe it's worth sticking with the series and giving it a chance to fully unfold. With Filoni and Favreau at the helm, I have no doubt that there are some exciting surprises and twists in store for us.

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@andreas1138 I agree with the spirit of what you've said. I, too, have faith in Dave and John but this season often made me wonder if they still have uncontested creativ control.

I also felt there was at times too much action, there was hardly an episode without it. And for me it often felt like action without purpose, just there to be there.

The season still showed flashes of greatness, and maybe I'm expecting to much from each and every episode, but overall it was a bit of a downer.

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Star Trek: Discovery: Season 4

Reply by FinFan

I wasted my 7 day free trial of Paramount+ watching this. I'd rather view DS9's 'Move Along Home' 13 times than have to watch this season again.

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@noodlebrain You know, I was actually considering that because a friend of mine, himself a vivid Star Trek fan, was singing high praise on Picard S3. His tune changed dramatically the last two episodes, though.

Seems like they again managed to screw it up.

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Star Trek: Discovery: Season 4

I wasted my 7 day free trial of Paramount+ watching this. I'd rather view DS9's 'Move Along Home' 13 times than have to watch this season again.

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@noodlebrain That's because I didn't watch it. Talked to my Star Trek buddies and they said. " Just don't watch " :laughing:

Yeah, the 5 for SNW is more to the fact I don't care for the show as such. Watched 4 or 5 episodes. Most of the new characters are annoying and the writing has little respect for canon. The only new character I like gets killed. So there goes my interest. New Star Trek just isn't for me. Didn't watch Picard S3 or the animated ones either.

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Star Trek: Discovery: Season 4

I wasted my 7 day free trial of Paramount+ watching this. I'd rather view DS9's 'Move Along Home' 13 times than have to watch this season again.

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@noodlebrain I could've saved you the pain of watching this if you'd asked me. :wink::laughing:

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 2

Reply by FinFan

@finfan I finished Season 2. I preferred Season 1, but I can tell the production quality is usually good. The story are complex enough for a series of that age and I always feel I am in space with the crew.
Already started Season 3 and I can tell the production value is increasing.

My personal awards for S2:

Favourite episodes: 2x08 A Matter of Honor and 2x15 Pen Pals
Favourite aliens: The Borgs... but I don't know if we can call them aliens.
Favourite guest stars: Nikki Cox (Sarjenka from 2x15 Pen Pals), Suzie Plakson (K'Ehleyr from 2x20 The Emissary), Jaime Hubbard (Salia from 2x10 The Dauphin).
Favourite holodeck moments: Worf's rite of passage from 2x14 Icarus
Favorite moment: Riker confronting the Klingons in 2x08 A Matter of Honor
Funniest moment: Wesley asks Riker and Guinan how to deal with the girl he likes (2x10 The Dauphin)
Best story I wanted as a prominent subject: Time issues in 2x13 Time Squared

I haven't watched 2x12 The Royale, 2x18 Up the Long Ladder, 2x19 Manhunt and 2x22 Shades of Gray. I'll try to get to them eventually.

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@andreas1138 you're welcome. I like reading your comments. It's rare to find a first time viewer today. I talk about Trek often with friends but they all have seen it dozens of times. So having a fresh view on things is interesting.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 2

@finfan I finished Season 2. I preferred Season 1, but I can tell the production quality is usually good. The story are complex enough for a series of that age and I always feel I am in space with the crew.
Already started Season 3 and I can tell the production value is increasing.

My personal awards for S2:

Favourite episodes: 2x08 A Matter of Honor and 2x15 Pen Pals
Favourite aliens: The Borgs... but I don't know if we can call them aliens.
Favourite guest stars: Nikki Cox (Sarjenka from 2x15 Pen Pals), Suzie Plakson (K'Ehleyr from 2x20 The Emissary), Jaime Hubbard (Salia from 2x10 The Dauphin).
Favourite holodeck moments: Worf's rite of passage from 2x14 Icarus
Favorite moment: Riker confronting the Klingons in 2x08 A Matter of Honor
Funniest moment: Wesley asks Riker and Guinan how to deal with the girl he likes (2x10 The Dauphin)
Best story I wanted as a prominent subject: Time issues in 2x13 Time Squared

I haven't watched 2x12 The Royale, 2x18 Up the Long Ladder, 2x19 Manhunt and 2x22 Shades of Gray. I'll try to get to them eventually.

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@andreas1138 I find your choiches quite interesting even if I don't agree with all of them 100 %. But I do understand why you choose them. And as I always say: it would be boring if we all like the same.
My biggest issue with season two was the absence of Dr. Crusher which was one of my favorites from day one. And as you cleary have gathered from my comments, I didn't like Pulaski. She really was a red cloth for me.
You can easily skip Shades of Grey (clipshow, nothing in it) and Royale (good idea, awful execution). Up the long ladder has no implications in the big picture. Manhunt has some funny parts with Lwaxana (if you like her), to be honest I don't know if any relevant parts are in there but I don't think so.
But if you are like me I'll guess you watch it anyway.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 1

Reply by FinFan

Review by FinFan
BlockedParent2018-12-29T14:07:55Z— updated 2018-12-30T18:43:12Z

I've watched each season of any Star Trek show more times than I can remember. The Next Generation was a show I rejected at first but with every time I watch it I embrace it more and more.

Yes, there are a lot of things debatable about the premiere season in terms of quality of the writing, continuity errors, character developement, actors performances to name a few. It is easy to critisize after the fact and with many years now gone. And even I am the first to admit that there are many cringe worthy or eye rolling moments in this first season. But remember, althought they had the original show to base it upon, they literally started with a white sheet of paper. Especially with the characters.

I also like to write a few words about the remastered HD version as I was initially oposed to that. Having now seen it I have to say it really looks great. The special effects are what most benefitted from the overhaul. They look much more crisp and detailed now. In general the picture looks great and I am amazed what they got out of the original source material. A minor negative is that the picture background looks very grainy at times especially if you're sitting close to your screen, whereas the important foreground is almost always amazingly clear. It also gets grainy when there is camera movement whereas static shots are really the best. But that is not really a downside. Brilliant and vibrant colours.
It is now easy to read the screens (which I did ocasionally). At the same time it is also easier to spot minor imperfections on the sets and props plus you sometimes spot the egdes of the make-up on characters. And it becomes really obvious now when a stunt double was used. But those are all not really flaws, nevertheless I thought I share this remarks.

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@andreas1138 I can't remember the last time anyone said so many good things about this first season. I like that. Even a lot of long time fans I know are usually reserved when asked about season one. I think you will have a lot of fun watching the other seasons as well.
If you watch on DVD/BluRay you should watch the specials. There is some good content and interviews.

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Game of Thrones: Season 3

Reply by FinFan

And with what many people here called the "best episode in TV history" they annihilated what little bit of interest I still had with this show.

No characters left I care for - still don't care for the plot in general. Progresses way to slow, more sideways than forward. And hitting reset and start all over again and again. I will take some time to decide wether I continue watching

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@warden1 I appreciate you taking time to motivate me to continue. At the same time your points are exactly what I dislike.
Another new character. Why do I care ? The good ones are all dead as far as I am concerned or are killed off at some point. And is the new character Daario ? Already not very high on him and I guess he's going to have a romance with Danny.
Arya - never cared for her from the beginning. Tyrion is at least interesting, that I'll admit. And Sansa better be a whole lot better because I wouldn't mind having her killed for basically the whole show.
In any case I'll continue for a while longer but when I look at the slide in ratings for season 8 it raises more questions if it is worth going through with it.

S04E01 was good and it looks to be more interesting for now.

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Wheeler Dealers: Season 14

Reply by FinFan

Shout by Marci Kada
BlockedParent2019-05-10T08:42:59Z— updated 2019-12-22T19:34:04Z

there were just 9 episodes in this season right?

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@docsamarci yes, someone must have messed up the data because couple of days ago those episodes showed up.

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Westworld: Season 2

Reply by FinFan


Shout by Jolly The Rancher
BlockedParent2018-06-03T23:19:59Z— updated 2018-06-25T03:18:41Z

I loved the first season, and eagerly waited for the second season but 6 episodes in I'm feeling bored and confused. Whatever magic the first season had I feel like the second season has lost. The season has certainly had it's moments but not enough of them.

I've now finished the season, and I really wish I'd cut my losses and stopped watching after 6.

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@matt-minix-gmail-com I kinda feel the same. Watched the first season twice but I stopped after the forth episode here. I wait until the whole season is released and then watch it in succession.

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Married... with Children: Season 3

Reply by FinFan

As a childhood favorite of mine, I decided to order the first three seasons of "Married with Children" on DVD some years ago. Unfortunately, it didn't quite live up to me expectations and memories...

Don't get me wrong, it's a classic and fun to watch. But overall it gets very repetitive and stale, therefore I didn't order any further seasons and quit watching the show.

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@drnkmnky Yeah, I know what you mean. Not the ideal show to binge. Still lot's of great stuff in it. I'm watching it three at a time with breaks in between.

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The X-Files: Season 11

Reply by FinFan

I was so excited and eager for this new season to start but then I read about Gillian's departure after its end and now I'm heartbroken. It seems to me that it's headed toward the cancellation, cause I can't see how it could go on without Scully. Even if they get a renewal it won't be the X-files we all love.

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@ana993 totally with you but I am already asking myself if those are the x-files we all love NOW.

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