The Shipping News

A lot of older movies are really underrated. So is this one.

I don´t knew the book so I can´t make comparisons. But if you like movies that have a story, characters and a scenery that is part of the movie and not something done in a dark cubicle of some software company I can recommend this one.

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Adele: Live at Glastonbury

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2016-07-09T14:00:43Z— updated 2016-07-11T15:25:14Z

Another memorable performance from Adele.

I so enjoy watching her not only because of the great music but because of the emotions she displays on stage which are reflected towards the audience and shared together. It´s rare today to have someone so successfull staying so natural.

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The Man Who Cried

It´s not an awful movie but the story just hadn´t anything in it for me.

And from whatever angle you look at it - the love story, the drama of the refugee, the racism - it´s all only slighty touched on the surface.

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Paradise Road

It´s a great story. One that should have you on the edge of your seat feeling for the characters. And that is precisely what I felt was missing. The amazing cast has few oppertunities to really shine. Drama and intensity are low.

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Pushing Tin

Fair movie. Not funny enough for a grade A comedy and not dramatic enough to be taken serious. It´s a movie that comes and goes, it plays along. 20 min less might have helped the pace. I think the fact that Billy Bob and Angelina met on the set of this movie for the first time is more interesting then the movie itself.

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An Ideal Husband

This was a pleasant surprise, very entertaining. Great scenery and costumes.

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U2: Live at Glastonbury 2011

Being a U2 fan since the mid 80s I could never come to terms with the U2 of the 90s. So every concert for me is an up and down and this is no different. Althought the atmosphere during those songs performed live is contagious and you survive even these parts.

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In the Heart of the Sea

Another one of those movies where I´m not sure what this was all about and if or, for that matter, why I should recommend it.

I can only repeat what has been mentioned in other comments. It´s neither fish nor fowl, or whale for that matter. Anyway, I, too, had no affection for the characters, they were in general the bad guys here. I also do not think that the little bit of raising the finger at the end of the movie justifies all the wrong doing. If there was intend for a moral message it´s not getting through.

The plot promises an epic movie which this simply is not.

Technically I must add the CGI looked bad. I´m talking about the composite shots during the whale hunt. This looked like in the old days when they were acting in front of an actual piece of film beeing played on a screen. Very unnatural.

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Van Halen - Live: Right Here, Right Now

As mentioned at the beginning they combined footage from two shows to make this live video. Which is fine in theory but I wish they hadn´t used combined footage within the same song. It gives the (false) impression that the band is jumping all over the stage, Sammy Hagars clothes are changing from one cut to the other and so on. While this might sound petty since this is first about the music, it can be confusing at times and it lessens the viewing experience. You get compensated for that by the very good sound quality though.

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The War Lover

Rather typical early 60´s US movie set in wartime England 1943. In the context of the production time nothing special. But if you are a warbird fan you get some really good looks at the B17 bombers used in the movie. You actually get to see the belly landing of a B17 - no trick, the real thing.

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The Danish Girl

Where the book really took me into the story and made me feel for the characters the movie couldn´t. Maybe it´s the usual problem with watching a movie based upon a book you read. The movie isn´t bad but it takes to many leaps in the story. It jumps through the plot and is not exploring the elemental parts in enough detail. You don´t really get into the "why" of it all. I can only recommend to read the book.

Technically the movie is very well made, beautiful sets and costumes. Both, Redmayne and Vikander, are delivering a great performance.

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Bridge of Spies

Spielberg and Hanks are still a winning ticket. Combine this with the brilliant camera of Janusz Kaminski and you get a masterpiece of filmmaking that isn´t driven by action and effect but rather by determination. I also really like Mark Rylance who played great alongside Hanks. You recognize the professionalism of those actors. Spielberg did great in capturing the feeling of the cold war era. I read here in the comments by someone who didn´t liked the portrayal of the Russians, how they are painted as the evil monsters that want to destroy America. Well, that´s how it was during the Cold War. And guess how the Russians painted Americans. So it´s period correct. I´m surprised about the Coen´s writing the script, too. Usually I´m not a fan of their work but I give them credit for what they´ve done here.

Hopefully there will be another Spielberg/Hanks movie in the future.

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The reasons for me to watch this: it´s not "based on a true story", it´s not "based on the novel by..." or "the official selection of the (insert name here) film festival". And it´s not a remake or reboot.
It´s an entertaining movie with a good story and some nice twists along the way. Could have actually been a bit longer to get more detail.

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Black Mass

Yes, Johnny Depp is the selling point of this movie. But production itself, costumes, make-up, scenery and camera is really good. The story builds up pretty well but somehow never really peaked in my opinion.

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Supergirl: 1x18 Worlds Finest

I really wanted to like this show but I´m drifting more and more towards quitting it.

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Not a bad movie, but I can´t say I was overly impressed with the story althought it´s bases on actual events. It might sound harsh but I can´t generate pitty for those people because all of them went up willingy fully aware of the risks involved. So for me the lesson from this is you go out and ask nature for a fight you´d better be prepared to pay the ultimate price. Visually it was very impressive though.

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Not bad - script, acting, camera - everything is there. But it isn´t quite my kind of movie.

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Bone Tomahawk

This is not a typical western. The story is set in the west roughly in the 1890s but even though it has Indains (kind of), horses and guns it isn´t classical western style. That doesn´t mean it´s a bad movie. It´s slow paced, sometimes a bit to slow, but in general it works. There is a certain style of humor which I liked. The characters are well drafted and equally well played. But it is certainly not your average easy entertainment movie.

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Hitman: Agent 47

As far as action goes this isn´t bad. If nothing else it´s entertaining. Know what to expect, you don´t get dissapointed.

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The Simpsons: 27x11 Teenage Mutant Milk-Caused Hurdles

They should make a whole episode like the opening sequence. That looked awesome.

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The Spymasters: CIA in the Crosshairs

Well, this is kind of interesting but from a different perspective.

It´s the lame and, in my eyes, unsuccesfull try to paint the CIA in a good light. To lay all the blame on everyone else but the CIA for 911, for the war in Iraq. We are the last line of defense for the free world, the knights in shiny armour. It´s the old story of saying "if you let us do our jobs we may have prevented this or that". Sanctioning highly doubtful methods with "the end justifies the means" speach.

If you are prepared for a CIA commercial movie you may watch this. If you expect shocking revelations you can skip this. I´ve had enough after about an hour.

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Mildly entertaining, probably more so if you actually played the games wayyyyyy back. Other than that there isn´t much going for the movie. No story, exaggerated characters, clichés all over. The look of the games is good, though.

But please, no sequel.

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I agree with most of what´s been said here. Minions are great as a sidekick, not so much as a lead.

The prequel idea was good but they could have easily done that as a short. Yes, some of the reference jokes were good but all in all I don´t think the movie was funny. I´m sure kids will like it but the Despicable movies were more of a family/adult thing and in the end far better.

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Ex Machina

Another one of the Love-it-or-hate-it category. I had difficulties keeping up interest from the first minute, totally lost it after an hour.

So many people saying what a great movie this is but lacking to explain why and what they saw in it. I think the makers of this movie did a great job in making people believe there is more in this movie than there actual is. There isn´t anything new in the story. Even the, admittedly, good CGI and visual quality in general can not cover that up.

Just another overartistic and pseudointellectual piece of movie.

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Jurassic World

When I first heard about the movie I wasn´t thrilled that much. Just what we need - another sequel/remake/reboot.

So what about this ? Well, since the technology to make this movies is readily available (you just have to pour enough money into it) I will not take this into considaration. Just this, bigger isn´t always better and it doesn´t have the magic of the original. The rest of the movie is in my view a carbon copy of Jurassic Park. They even copied whole scenes - I guess they call it homage.

It has entertainment value, more so for the younger generation who didn´t know the first I´d say. And that´s OK. After all nobody forces you to watch If you don´t like it. I think for me to watch the next one they really have to come up with something new. I don´t want to watch the same movie over and over again just with better CGI.

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Supergirl: 1x01 Pilot

Well, I must admit althought I never was into the Supergirl/Superman comics I liked the pilot. Looks really good technically. If they can come up with some good storylines this could make my watchlist.

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I caught a glimpse of the trailer and thought this could be nice. I had no idea what to expect when I started watching. Maybe that wasn´t a bad point to start from because I really liked this movie. It´s entertaining, visually great but it has a serious underlying message that isn´t thrown down your throat 10 times over. I liked that.

I would also like to give special praise to Raffey Cassidy who I think performed awesome.

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The Real McCoy

Well, you watch a 22 year old movie you got 22 year old lame writing. Not a total bust but highly predictable and not well played either.

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The Gunman

"The Gunman" is a straight forward action movie that doesn´t differ much from others of this genre. And I don´t mean that in a negative way. Not having 500 CGI shots and explosions by the minute is not cause for calling this movie shit. Actually this kind works better for me.

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Red Army

I´m not sure if I would categorize this is as a hockey/sport documentation or if it´s a political documentary. In case of the former Soviet Union the lines between both topics were always very faint. This film is more about how the athletes were pressured and used by their government. It´s about how sports was only a means to deliver the Soviet doctrine. It is really interesting and although I´m a decade long hockey fan I learned some things from this. There is a lot of interesting original footage but if you are looking for game highlights this is the wrong film.

But, wether you´re a hockey fan or more interested in the political side, this is worth viewing.

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