Stuff I wanna watch... someday.
Female (action) heroes.
Very dark comedy. Not comedies starring black people. That's a different list.
If you're not sure if it's even a comedy, it probably belongs here.
(For more, see:
Not dark enough for my "Black Comedy" list. (
The best historical genre.
I guess they really couldn't think of a title
Movies watched for free at Regal since 9/2/2021.
Every movie (and show) covered on the best movie podcast, in order of episodes.
Formerly known as Carpool Critics.
In a good way.
Weird romances. Inexplicably good actors. Stilted dialogue. Title cards.
Ranked by how much they didn't need a movie.
Melancholy. Psychological. Existentialism. Epistemology. Ennui. Black Comedy. Satire. Suburbs. Sex. Drugs. Dread. Dysfunction. Disenfranchised. Loneliness. Meaning. Redemption?
Late 90s - early 2000s.
No straightforward feel-good movies or stoner movies here.
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