

Cold and Wet


This Movie symbolizes everything I've ever wanted in my life. A collective passion, fueled by unchecked late stage capitalism, featuring the most diverse cast of awful people all fiending to get their fix. Engaged in the most platonic ideal of competition one can imagine.
Seeing this film again fixed my mental health.

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The Mystery of the Eiffel Tower

the Movie really hits best when you put on some Female Manipulator breakbeats after the first nightmare scene.

don't turn off the film audio though, because there are some scenes with sound effects.

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Justice League: Warworld

I hated this movie so much that I had to leave a smarmy comment on someone else's positive comment

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Golden Hour

incredible scenes, every second of this short is dripping with extreme momentum and information.
That part where the frog mask comes off at just the moment that it eclipses the sunset is peak cinema.
I miss the excitement of working on movies with a group. I wish I could be a part of something like that, where everyone's job is important.
I'm sad

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Day Shift

Mowing down Vamps, with my Best Friend, BUD. Hit Me. wub wubwubwubwubwubwub wub wubwubwubwubwub wub wub wubwub

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