Supergirl: 1x08 Hostile Takeover

Thank goodness Cat finally realized who Kara really is and they didn't drag it out for an entire season.

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Umm, excuse me? I don't know what's the matter with you or what you are referring to in my comment, but I've have never said anything horrible against this show! I'm just going to assume this wasn't aimed at me since you mentioned budgets which is something I've never commented about. If this comment was aimed at me and you still want to pick on someone for their constant berating of this show, you should take a long hard look at the person who posted below me who berates EVERY single episode of the show and not the person who has never said anything horrible about it!

For anyone else who cares: The comment refers to the fact that most superhero shows do take a season or more to have a main character figure out who the hero's true persona is and I was very glad to see them NOT go that route.

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Orphan Black: 4x02 Transgressive Border Crossing

Reply by RoxieVelma

Forever crying at Helena finding out that she was having twins and immediately wanting to tell her twin sestra.

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@lweldon OMG, I know! Especially since I'm pretty sure by the clothing Beth had on that was the infamous train station night! :'(

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Arrow: 4x18 Eleven-Fifty-Nine

Reply by RoxieVelma


Shout by RoxieVelma

Wow, they actually killed Laurel, The Black Canary, but before she died she gave her blessing to "Olicity"?!!?!?!?!?! First Sara (but at least she came back only to go to another show), then Laurel, so I guess this means they'll kill of Lance next since he really has no purpose anymore. Oh wait, he's precious Felicity's mommy's stud muffin, so I'll guess he'll stick around and have tons to do! OMG, they can go shopping and buy Felicity and Oliver things for their apartment and clothes for their baby! When will this soap opera end and the real "Arrow" return?

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Haha, no not that I know of, but considering how much of soap opera this show has become I expect a baby in Season 5. That baby will later be kidnapped from the hospital and held hostage by Felicity's dad. Lance will help Oliver try to save said child only to be killed in the process. ;)

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Criminal Minds: 12x02 Sick Day

aka that episode where Thomas Gibson got fired and you can tell it too.

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@pedro You're welcome and I feel the same way. :(

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Criminal Minds: 12x02 Sick Day

aka that episode where Thomas Gibson got fired and you can tell it too.

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@pedro Apparently while filming this episode Thomas Gibson (Hotch) ending up kicking the co-executive producer for some reason and at first he was set to be suspended for a few episodes but then the next day or so I read he was fired and this episode is the last one he'll ever be in.No one knows yet how they are set to explain his absence in the next episode but Paget Brewster (Prentiss) is set to come back full time starting in the next episode, so I guess she got his job?

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Supernatural: 11x16 Safe House

Ahhhhhh I've missed Bobby and Rufus so much!

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@jamie-bartok-5 Considering Rufus and Bobby are BOTH mentioned in the synopsis of this episode, you weren't at fault here. Honestly one shouldn't be reading the comment section before watching the episode anyway.

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Criminal Minds: 11x16 Derek

I'm normally not a fan of flashback/fantasy alt-life episodes of any show, but this episode proved to be an exception to the rule. It also proves that this show doesn't always have to have a gruesome murder to solve to be an entertaining episode.

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You don't watch episodes on here. This is just a website that keeps track of what you watch.

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The Good Wife: 7x07 Driven

Awful. I quit. Never thought I would but.....

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I feel your pain. I almost didn't watch this week because I hated last week's episode. Then I realized my antenna wouldn't pick up anything but CBS last night so I was pretty much stuck. I'm still hoping this is the final season.

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