Mr. Robot: 4x04 404 Not Found

With one episode left, we get...was this an episode? Felt a bit more like an admission that they've never had any idea where they wanted this to go...

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@w13rdo where are you getting one episode left from?

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Shimmer Lake

Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff
BlockedParent2017-06-10T17:10:04Z— updated 2018-02-22T21:43:18Z

The backwards narrative is an interesting twist but it doesn't add much to the film. A flawed mix of comedy and mystery, failing to succeed in either

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@faithful It doesn't add anything? Really? The whole motive of Zek would be given away right from the start, with the backwards narrative you picture Ed as the one cleaning up the loose ends wondering how it resolves when it fact it never would. You can have your opinion on it but to say say it doesn't add much is grossly exaggerated and wrong

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The Wrestler
Fargo: 3x10 Somebody to Love

Honestly though, did Emmit really deserve to die?
When he took out the loan he had absolutely no idea Varga was a criminal mastermind. By the time he figured out he was in way, way over his head and really couldn't do anything about it. What was he supposed to do at that point? Anything he did, he would've got himself killed trying to do it.
The death of his brother was a complete accident.
He was a spineless wuss, but is that deserving of death?

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@nmiguelcosta are you just copying that comment from reddit or is it your account?

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Bloodline: Season 3

I'm about half-way through episode nine and I'm putting it on pause to write this as I'm really starting to regret watching this season. This was a great show and last season was enough to call it quits, which they should have done.

Wrap up things just a bit differenly at the end of season two, don't introduce any cliff-hangers and pat each other on the backs for creating a great show. Instead they tried to stretch things too far, too fast and went with the whole timeline limbo like Lost did.

I was almost on board with things up until about episode three or four of this season and they just started reaching and stretching out time. The court room and Cuban drug stuff just pushed things too far out of reach for any suspention of disbelief. They were just throwing out ideas left and right and in the end it's just a big mess. At this point I can't imagine a final that would turn this ship around.

Just came back to confirm the ending was a tragedy. Please, if you haven't seen this season yet stop now and enjoy what you have already watched.

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@outspoken No completely disagree with this guy and think he's so wrong... The first few episodes are brilliant and cover the cliffhanger that last season ended on. There is then a time jump to keep up the pace which could be a bit out of place but still very good. The last couple of episodes don't end strong and leave a lot of unanswered questions for the audience to make their own decisions but it doesn't detract from how great the show was.

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13 Reasons Why: 1x13 Tape 7, Side A

No matter who you're or how you feel, after watching this show you'll be a different person. It'll touch you in the most profound way and change you. This a brilliant and amazing piece of art that will change the lives of various people for the better. Thank you so much Selena Gomez, Mandy Teefey and everyone involved helping to create this beautiful project.

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@nmiguelcosta Definitely didn't have any impact on me or any lasting impression, no real great insight into all the "deep" topics it touches on just more of the same teen drama with the typical rape/depression etc

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Better Call Saul: 3x01 Mabel

Season 3 starts just like the first two seasons boring as hell and slow.

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@edgaredgar That's the tone of the show, why would you keep watching or expect any different?

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Stranger Things: 1x06 Chapter Six: The Monster

I hate the missunderstanding-trope! This whole thing with Steve and now this rejected lover thing is unbearable and doe not bring the plot forward. So annoying! But on the other hand i think we needed the tension between Nancy, Steven and Jonathan released. I felt really freed after the brawl because it strengthened the bond between Nancy and Jonathan and made things clear.
Furthermore this revelation of Elevens mother was a bit over the top. Yeah we get it, she is her mother, she has abilities. That was to on the nose, even more for this show. which was very coy with explanations, what i really like.

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@vanilla-chief This show has been anything but coy so far

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Minority Report

I know some people probably saw the last 30-40 minutes coming from miles away, but I never expected it. Great movie!

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@lifeiscrazy I thought they were gonna end it on the weak ultimatum but was relieved that there was some explanation for the evidence in the apartment

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Marco Polo: 2x02 Hug

Season 1: Topless orgies galore! Hell, everyone get topless! Had to close the blinds before watching an episode in fear of a neighbor walking down the sidewalk would look in.

Season 2: Rated PG for sexual situations.

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Lol, as much as I love tits there was no scenes in these first two episodes where it was applicable? You comment here and on the premiere seem pretty petty

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