Mad Matty

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Barrow in Furness, England

Dude, Where's My Car?

Reminded me of "Dumb and Dumber" as it was similar kind of humour. I really enjoyed it. I thought the acting was great. Very exaggerated but not too over the top. It had a simple and decent storyline which is always a good sign for a comedy - Nothing too complicated. I thought parts of it were a little strange, like the space cult people but they were meant to be strange. Overall, I thought it was brilliant.

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Maybe I'm a soppy sod, but you can't beat a nice love story with a touch of humour. I don't enjoy all Rom-Coms, but when they're well written and extremely well acted and keep you interested throughout (even if it's a predictable happy ending) then simplicity always works. It was a great film.

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Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

I've been looking forward to seeing this film. (Yes, I'm guilty as charged: I've never seen it until now!) I was late watching Mary Poppins as well, and yet when I saw it, I watched it three times within the same two weeks. I feel like this one's gonna be the same! I absolutely adore it.

This film couldn't possibly have failed... Roald Dahl is one of the script writers, Richard M. and Robert B. Sherman are the songwriters, and it stars Dick Van Dyke. A winning combination if ever I saw one! And it lives up to all my expectations. It's a feel good, family-friendly, fun-filled, wonderful, funny and charming work of art.

Don't listen to Lee Brown. I don't know what he was on when he watched it. For me, it's an absolute masterpiece. There's not many films that will keep me entertained for more than 90 minutes. But at a whopping 2 hours and 25 minutes, I can honestly say, I wasn't bored for a second. Go ahead and watch it, and thank me later. Warning: You WILL be singing the title's song all night long!

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

Star Wars isn't really my cuppa tea, although I have watched most of them. I think it's fair to say that this film will be brilliant for true Star Wars fans. The story kept me interested even when I find Sci-Fi hard to follow. The acting was believable, and they certainly chose the right actor for Han Solo. Nice to see Wookie hasn't aged at all since the '70s as well.
All in all, a great film.

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Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

2 hours of my life I will never get back. To be fair, this film did have some good moments, but on the whole it was an utter snooze fest. Another case of too much CGI, and not enough story. For the life of me, I can't work out why Johnny Depp has suddenly started dressing like Johnny Rotten from the Sex Pistols.

I was really looking forward to this film, because I usually love all the Harry Potter films, and the first Fantastic Beats. So what went wrong here, I do not know. I hope the next one will be better.

(I must warn you that my negative point of view of the film wasn't helped by the fact that someone in the cinema stunk of poo and I could hardly breathe throughout the whole film, which made a boring and long film seem even longer. Therefore, it might be slightly better than I give it credit. But even so, I still didn't enjoy it.)

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The Truman Show

Jim Carrey is definitely a marmite kind of actor; you either love him or hate him. I personally think he's brilliant and have enjoyed all of his films so far. (Out of the ones I've seen.) This is no exception. It was really slow starting and far from his funniest film, but the more the story goes on, the more fascinating it becomes, and you eventually become hooked. And I love the deep meaning towards the end, which I believe is quite true. I'm not gonna spoil it though. Go and watch it!

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The Pit and the Pendulum

Inspired by the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed "Psycho", I thought I'd give horror more of a chance. It's something I often avoid due to my squeamishness towards blood / gore and extreme violence. And the fact that comedy and music is my life though I enjoy venturing out to other genres occasionally; it reminds me why I like comedy and music so much!

Horror films that are more atmospheric and story-based suit more towards my tastes. I don't see the point in brutal violence for the sake of it, with no real character or substance. When this film started it was almost laughable how posh the characters talked. But the more it builds, the better it gets and it ends up being proper gripping stuff. It's a fantastic film and extremely well made.

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48 Christmas Wishes

I don't know how anyone could doubt the existence of Santa when so many movies have been filmed at his factory.

But whether you're a believer, a belieber, or one of those non-believers this is a great film to watch. Very much like "The Christmas Chronicles", it's an extremely difficult film to watch for those of us who have lost any family members. In fact, this one really does tug at the heart strings and I was blubbering a lot at one point. So admittedly, it's maybe not one to watch if you've lost someone very recently.

But it is an important reminder of how to enjoy Christmas after loved ones have passed and so in that respect, it really is recommended viewing. It isn't all depressing. It is a very heartwarming film and there were moments when I was laughing out loud too.

I love watching Christmas films, regardless of what time of year it is because they're usually great stories with brilliant characters, and a reminder of how important family and friends are. This film is no exception to this. It's fantastic.

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This film couldn't be more up my street if it tried! Hilarious slapstick and visual comedy throughout and a story based on animals outwitting humans. In this case the animal is a mouse and more damage gets done to the humans while the mouse gets off Scott free! There is a clear and obvious inspiration from my favourite comedy team Laurel and Hardy. In one scene, Ernie even mimics Oliver Hardy's famous tie twiddle. It's a fandabbydozy film. I love it.

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Pink Narcissus

What's not to love? Cute guys naked throughout! Happy days!
As well as the obvious eye candy, it was beautiful to watch just for the lighting, music and incredible costumes as well as clever editing and props. I'm still not entirely sure what the storyline was - Did it even need a storyline? Perhaps not. It was a fantastic experience that I will happily sit through time and time again.

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Yes Man

It may not be his best film but no film with Jim Carrey in is a bad film. I really enjoyed it. A guy who says no to everything decides to lead a more upbeat and positive life by saying Yes to everything.... Literally EVERYTHING. It changes his life positively for a while but as with anything done by extreme, it doesn't work out. It's good to have a bit of Yes and No in your life. I would say Yes to this film.

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Measure of a Man

A fairly enjoyable film but a bit slow in places and I didn't always feel the Blake Cooper's acting was always convincing. However most of the acting was fine and it was well written. It's a bit bland and nothing really exciting but as a light-hearted watch, it's fine.
The soundtrack was great and was probably the best part of the film. The editing was spot on (though it did provide too many "artistic" type shots that weren't necessary) as these films often do! The camera work was appropriate though.

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Time Freak

As with all films about time travel it can be a little confusing in places but it makes sense by the end of it. (Just about.) Great story with some very talented actors and very well written, filmed and edited. We all wish we could change some things in the past but it's better to live for today. That's why I'm not gonna spend too much time on this review because I've only got 7 hours left of today and I don't wanna spend the whole day writing a review about a film I watched a week ago when I could be living for today. Enjoy the film! TTFN.

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A rather enjoyable film which was all about "Who done it?" Very much mysterious and remained so right 'til the end when they presented us with three possible endings leaving us still puzzled about what happens. The storyline reminded me of the 1930 film "The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case". Definitely worth a watch.

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Tropic Thunder

With so many excellent actors in this film, my hopes were raised. It didn't take long before they were dashed and obliterated completely. I don't mind comedies that are not politically correct as long as they are funny. However when they took the Mickey out of disabled people in the way that they did it was just pure evil and not remotely funny. Comedy often mocks people, I understand that. Mocking people for comedy purposes is fine but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. This film seemed to go out of its way to be shocking but forgot to be funny. Perhaps the most shocking thing about it is why so many great actors happily agreed to be in it. Makes you think they were all thrown into a forest and told to get on with it....

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Old Boys

It's got Alex Lawther in it. What more reason do you need to watch it? He is a brilliant actor anyway but my respect for him has shot through the roof now that I've seen him performing pure comedy. He's extremely talented.
The whole film is a light-hearted love story that is easy to watch. The acting is brilliant. The story isn't anything new but it's still very well written. Aside from "Goodbye Christopher Robin", I think this is my favourite Alex Lawther film that I've seen so far. I had to take off one point though coz the ending wasn't particularly happy - I was hoping he'd come and marry me, but it just didn't happen. So Alex, if you're reading this somewhere, I am still waiting....

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Spider-Man: Far From Home

I love Spiderman and this film is a great example of why. Even in the most action-packed scenes they always make room for plenty of comedy. As much as everyone loves Tobey, Tom Holland has earned his crown as the best Spiderman. (In my humble opinion.)

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I had to knock a point off because be warned.... There is a horrifying moment when a guitar is smashed to bits. Thankfully as it's an animation film it wasn't a real guitar but it is still quite distressing.
Other than that, it is a brilliant film that demonstrates how important music is. A wonderful message. Quite funny in places too.

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DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story

Nothing new here. A typical American Sports film where an unlikely team wins and the evil ones get what's coming to them. Even though I'd never seen the film before I feel like I've seen the storyline so many times and it was very predictable. But predictability never stops it from being an enjoyable film and there were funny moments.

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Beautiful Boy

Not all drugs are bad. I'm addicted to music and comedy and can quite happily get high when climbing a tree. (I'm also addicted to Coca-Cola, which is quite bad actually.) We all have a real addiction of some kind whether it's bad for you or good for you; so please don't be judgemental on those who have taken the path of illegal drugs or alcohol. Truth be told, they're no different from anyone else. They are simply searching for something to provide them with inner-peace and happiness. This film demonstrates though that going down the path of hard drugs can be extremely self destructive and can harm everyone around you. It's certainly not a light-hearted film or an easy watch but it's very real and truthful. There is no easy answer for those who are addicted because I know how difficult addiction can be. I wish everyone could find true happiness from music and comedy. It would be a lot less harmful.

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The Nutcracker and the Four Realms

Not quite sure where to place this one. I didn't realise when watching it that it was an adaption from what was originally a ballet, so it felt like it should be a musical and yet nobody sings in it. It did have an influence from "Alice In Wonderland", and that aspect won my approval. It also had at least one or two funny moment so it was rather enjoyable but not something I'd be eager to watch again.

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Absolutely amazing!! The best new film I've seen all year. This film really had me in stitches of laughter to the point where I didn't think I'd be able to stop. I was pleasantly surprised by this film because I was told that it was a superhero film with comedy in it. With the exception of Spiderman, I'm not really into Superhero films or any kind of action film. I've watched many but they're not usually my thing. But this had it all - excellent storytelling that touched your heart, superb comedy that genuinely makes you laugh out loud on multiple occasions and loveable characters. It kept my gripped from start to finish. Couldn't recommend this more!

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That Little Band Of Gold

Certainly not the best effort from Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle. There are some great funny moments but few and far between. The settings really didn't help. On the whole it's difficult to get too many gags sat in a theatre. (Though Chaplin's "A Night In The Show" proves that statement wrong!) Contrary to popular belief, there are many great Keystone films, but sadly, this isn't one of them.

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Freak Show

I love Alex Lawther. I think he's an amazing actor. I know him best as the older Christopher Robin in the 2017 biopic "Goodbye Christopher Robin", and his acting in that film gives me goosebumps and makes me weep every time. He is incredible.

This is the second film I've seen Alex Lawther star in, and once again, it is wonderful. It makes me want to explore more of his work. In "Goodbye Christopher Robin" his onscreen nickname was Billy Moon. Here, he plays a character called Billy Bloom. His flamboyant dress sense, inspired by his mother, makes him stand out from the crowd at school, and he finds it very difficult to make friends or fit in.
He eventually enters a "Homecoming Queen" contest to demonstrate his belief that we should all be whoever we want to be and we should dress however we feel, without worrying what others will think of us.

The film is very predictable, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. All the actors do a fantastic job and the story is brilliant with an important message. We are all freaks!

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Mary Poppins Returns

Practically perfect in every way. I've never seen any sequel as good as this one. It was different enough from the original to justify its release: There were no songs from the original, and yet the new songs were just as catchy, and in the same style.

The former apprentice of Bert from the original is Jack, the lamplighter. A job that is similar, but different. The original ended with the family flying kites, while this one ended with flying balloons. The animation used in some of the adventures is exactly the old fashioned style we all hoped for. Mary Poppins continued to use unique phrases and yet I don't remember them ever mentioning her most famous word: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. There was so much reminiscent of the previous film without ever the need for unjustified rehashing. They couldn't have found a more perfect cast. They all did a brilliant job. My only tiny criticism is that Jack's cockney accent wasn't terrible enough! But that's only nitpicking! I'm sure there'll be many true Poppins fans that will love this film. I will continue to watch and enjoy them both forever more!

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The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause

Not quite as dreadful as I remember. In fact it was fairly enjoyable. I think the major flaw here is that it took a long time to get to the major issue: Jack Frost becoming Santa. And then it was too quickly resolved. Had that been the main story all the way through, then it would have worked better.

However, Martin Short plays the part of Jack Frost very well, finding the right balance between amusing and creepy. The scenes where they go back to the first film with Santa falling off the roof was very clever. It reminded me of the second Back To The Future film where they go back to his "Johnny B Goode" performance.

It will never have the magic of the first film, but rather than comparing, it's always good to enjoy sequels as separate films, and I did rather enjoy this film.

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Deck the Halls

After watching "The Nightmare Before Christmas" which really was a nightmare of a film, I think almost anything would seem like a dream. This film is more of what I was looking for on our festive night of films. I think I had seen the film but a long time ago, so I couldn't really remember it all that well. Nevertheless it was a very enjoyable film. I'm not sure about Matthew Broderick's skills as an actor. I didn't really feel as though he really believed who he was portraying. Throughout most of it he looked like he was acting, rather than making us believe he was the character. But as always, Danny DeVito was fantastic and almost any film that he's in will always be good.
Special mention has to go to Robert Leader, the Christmas Light designer and anyone in his construction crew. The lights are spectacular and must have taken ages to put together.
It's perhaps not a Must Watch, but it is still enjoyable to watch at Christmas time.

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The Nightmare Before Christmas

Hoping to have a festive night watching films to keep us excited for Christmas, this turned into a nightmare before Christmas. My hopes were raised by learning that it's a Tim Burton film, the man behind "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (2005). My hopes were shattered by seeing this dreadful film. Either I just wasn't in the mood for this film, or it really was as boring and pointless as I thought. I'd say it's a little more Halloween than Christmas, but it didn't dampen my Christmas spirit. I just shook it off as an hour and 13 minutes I will never get back.

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Babes in Toyland

Another film for the fans! Not the best introduction to their work, as the singing and music may seem old fashioned to many, unless you're like me, and have grown up watching these films and enjoying these songs. I personally love the music, but it's not everyone's cuppa tea.

The comedy is second to none. There's one scene where the boys are stood at the top of a Well, waiting for the evil Barnaby to come back out. The amount of classic lines in the space of 30 seconds is incredible. It's laugh after laugh.

I've had the privilege of meeting the world's leading expert on Laurel and Hardy, Randy Skretvedt. In his vast collection, he has an original toy soldier that they used for the stop-motion scenes. It isn't quite 6 feet high, as they are in the film, but it was an absolute honour to be able to see it and touch it. Many thanks to Randy for the best day of my life. He is such a generous and lovely person.

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Below Zero

This isn't my favourite Laurel and Hardy film of all time but it's certainly not below zero! As with all films from the boys, it has many wonderfully hilarious moments that will have anyone in stitches. I love Stan's never ending wallet, and his huge tummy after drinking all the water. No other buskers would dream of playing "In The Good Old Summertime" in that amount of snow!

At times the film feels a little too slow, and the fact that the sound hasn't survived very well after all these years makes it uneasy to watch at times. The comedy outshines it's weaknesses though. Even if it's not their best, it's still better than most other films. I'd much rather watch Laurel and Hardy than anything else!

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