Love, Death & Robots: 1x02 THREE ROBOTS

Three Robots is My favourite in season 1 of love death and robots. Funny and broader insights into humanity. Lovely companionship between the three Robots (it made me want to be on their adventure with them). And surprise twists.

A bigger more expansive vision than other episodes. Rather than the vignettes we get in other episodes this feels like a scene in a film. It's clever how much world/story building they manage without filling it full of exposition or ramming content in. Excellent script.

I really like the look too. A post apocalyptic world that isn't too depressing or uber edgy. Has a bit of the feel of Wall-e I suppose because it's being envisioned from the viewpoints of very skilled but childlike robots.

Some of The look and humour reminded me of the Portal game, especially reminded me of Glados but less kill-y.

I need a full film.

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