Blue Lights

A good police show. Finally. Long time overdue

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Poker Face

Am i the only one noticing a colombo vibe here? Even the opening credits font looks similar to me...
I enjoy it so far

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The Traitors

Shout by rubilior
BlockedParent2024-07-03T18:52:59Z— updated 2024-07-22T15:24:54Z

Sounded promising but turned out to be crap. Got annoyed listening to their "reasoning" why they suspect this and that and the traitors reasoning to why kill this or that. Lots of talking and pretend drama and fake suspense but bottom line there is no cause and effect here. No real reason to suspect anyone other than "feeling". Doing well in missions doesn't save you and doing poorly doesn't put a target on your back and both loyals and traitors goal is to succeed in missions to collect money. so what's the point? At least in "snake in the grass" and "killer camp" they had a chance to detect the saboteurs who's working against them by getting clues to their identity. Here there is nothing but speculation. Pass...

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The Office

Michael or kevin? Which is more retarded? Hard to say...

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Two Guys and a Girl

Pete is a piece of shit. Would rather they threw him out and replaced him for irene

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The Office

I usually like British humor but this was not funny. Way inferior to the US version

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Eastbound & Down

Wow! This is one of the biggest "wish you drop dead" assholes in tv history (and i include GOT characters so it says something). Add to that a spiless ballless pathetic male servant and a brainless bimbo girlfriend with zero self respect or capability to learn and you get a 70/30 mix of annoyance/funny show

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A complete waste of time. The first episode is used as a catfish and every episode after that gets worse and as the show progress it makes little sense and everything has little to no logic unless you assume that everyone are complete idiots and bad at their jobs. I didn't care for any of the characters and couldn't care less if any or all of them had died. Only reason i stayed to the end is "it's only 6 episodes"

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72% ?? How? It's way way way beyond bad....

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