A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

The source material is super, I recommend the audiobook you will be gripped. This is a crazy rushed adaptation, skimming over almost all characters such that any reveals are confusing and fall a bit flat.
Seems a shame as such good material it’s based off, and SOME good actors (others not so much)
It did the job but instead just feels like a rushed adaptation without the punch of the book. 6/10

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The Peripheral

First half of the series is great and very engaging. Second half becomes more and more complex ending in lacklustre confusing finale.

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Don’t be boring and watch full chronological or go too random and miss loads of stuff.
I found the following order to be very good:
Yellow, Green, Orange, Blue, Violet, Red, White, Pink:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:

Note this involves switching white one earlier as pink is such a better ending episode.
Overall I was quite impressed, although I don’t quite buy the watch it in any order, the above or similar is very good order. The above order feels quite like a film, introductions -> flashbacks -> build up -> mysterious aftermath -> heist -> epilogue
This was better than expected considering seeing average reviews. It’s fast paced and intriguing with a brave ending which I think tells a deeper story about chasing revenge, wealth and the wealthy. Doesn’t blow your mind but very solid with decent acting 7/10

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The overarching plot feels familiar, but the nostalgia, charm and character helps elevate to a solid show.
Feel like the show could go a bit further than Wednesday’s dark one liners in terms of the juxtaposition of this dark cartoonish life her family lives alongside a normal world.
If Netflix goes too overkill with the show the formula may become tired, looking at stats it sounds like this may be the case in the future.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Clearly a lot of thought and effort put into this. However prequel suffers from even viewers having an idea of main plot points and relatively slow pacing.
Could well pay off to be something greater but currently is just enjoyable and a little slow for my liking. 7/10

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Very crude and stupid at times, but ok for watching in bed etc 6/10

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Paper Girls

Doesn’t feel as well paced and fun as source material.
From episode 2 to the penultimate episode it feels a bit like the girls are falling out all the time before we even know them well.
The end of season “cliffhanger” is not very well done and just leaves it a bit confusing.
Hope it gets renewed as still watchable but at its best when following main story and time travelling.

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Ms. Marvel

Like a lot of the Marvel TV spin offs it starts with some intrigue and deteriorated into averageness which feels more like mediocrity with the repetitiveness of Marvels formula.
Extra complaint that the audio mixing here seems particularly bad with quiet talking and mumbling.
I actually think it’s commendable the inclusion of a different culture in Marvel but just wish it wasn’t such an average show otherwise.

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The Book of Boba Fett

Turns out the badass bounty hunter from the original films is just a bit boring and wants to be a nice guy??
The series only really gets interesting by morphing into the Mandalorian for a few episodes.
Does the job just feels a bit unnecessary as a whole.

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Bullsh*t The Gameshow

Easy entertaining watch. Nothing groundbreaking but definitely fun. Think there are some inconsistencies on the production / rules which don’t make much sense. 7/10

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Moon Knight

Very good show and setup unfortunately is held back a bit by being MCU.
The biggest mystery to the series is spoiled because you know how it has to go because it’s MCU.
They did do right to avoid any cameos

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The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window

Very strange mild parody tone can be a bit jarring. Definitely nails making you go straight into the next episode from the cliffhanger.
The twist was a little predictable, but fit in well with the slightly surreal tone.

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American Horror Stories

If you want more AHS this is going to entertain. However most of these stories are weaker than main series.
The final episode is very strange and the final scene seems to make no sense.

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Y: The Last Man

I came into this intrigued after mostly enjoying the comics, thinking with some tweaks it could make a great show.
The show does make some changes, making the story gritty, slower and lots of political intrigue. However, this in my opinion is generally to its detriment.
It’s extremely slow, focussing on drawing out some weaker points from the comics. I found it watchable but generally a bit dull.
The show misses such a trick by never showing Yoricks story in the immediate aftermath.
Wouldn’t mind watching more but generally indifferent 6/10

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Oats Studios

I was intrigued that I may find another gem like love, death & robots. Whilst this shares similarities, it falls far more into the experimental and tech demo side of things. Generally stories, whilst potentially interesting are very abrupt and vague, with no satisfying conclusion.
I was actually left wanting more from some of the stronger stories because they were very intriguing, but feel like a trailer / teaser.
Overall some hit and miss but all lack some satisfaction. Would love to see films / expanded shorts of the stronger stories, but seems it was all just a tease 6/10

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An interesting concept and endearing at times, however suffers from a lot of marvel concept of just serving a purpose to setup something more interesting. 7/10

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Mythic Quest

I can’t quite work out whether this is a comedy or drama. It’s not particularly funny, only in small parts, so I’ve started to think maybe it’s just more of a drama.
I’m a keen gamer and still felt like there wasn’t too much good comedy, but they do tell some ok stories

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Sweet Tooth

Great story that feels a little disjointed and the first season finishes before a meaningful conclusion of story elements.

What I liked:
- relatable pandemic story but unique so that it doesn’t hit too close to home
- quite good child acting
- funny moments
- darker themes / concepts without making the feel of the show too dark
- well fleshed out world
- a lot of intrigue (but don’t feel like enough is resolved)

What I didn’t like so much:
- The multiple perspectives and flashbacks can make the story feel a bit disjointed
- The ending feels like a mid season break and not a conclusion to the story arcs. This is quite disappointing as you feel a bit short changed on questions answered and story resolution
- There are a few moments that are a bit predictable / generic / cheesy
- few too many unanswered questions

Overall 7.5/10 (rounded to 8), easy recommend but prepare for a bit of disappointment at the ending of first season.

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Solar Opposites

So this is basically just imagine Rick and Morty but they are aliens and it’s not as funny.
I watched one or two episodes and was ready to give up, but it’s worth sticking with it.
It does get a little better generally, however the main thing worth sticking around for is “The wall” sub plot.
This is actually so much more interesting than the show and is extremely different telling a more serious and complex story within the same world.
Probably a 6.5/10 overall but the wall is very interesting and different.

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Jupiters Legacy

Not too sure on the hate in some other comments. I actually found the story quite gripping and intriguing. There are some strange choices in terms of pacing and plot, but overall it worked. I actually found myself enjoying the more human flashback story rather than the modern superhero elements but I think that was the intention. People complaining about the CGI, I saw it as being a stylistic choice to not take itself too seriously and be a bit cheesy in those moments. I would say a lot of the first series is background and characterisation which does feel like some storylines are just setup without much going on. Definitely enough for me to look forward to a second series 8/10

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Shadow and Bone
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Finale muddled and rushed through the various story elements setup in earlier episodes. Some of the big twists or reveals largely seem to involve a pretty minor character that I think I was supposed to recognise from previous films but don’t and who barely featured in this series.
I’ve watched probably 99% of MCU and can’t help but feel like this is just setting up a couple of things that will be explored in future films. Definitely one for the hardcore fans who go “Hey! That’s the guy from 26 films ago who had 10 minutes of screen time! This is so cool!”
I can confidently say more casual fans need not watch to follow future stories or for the interesting at times but a bit underwhelming series. 6/10

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Paradise PD

A fine show just for something comedic to watch. Some parts are funny, but does go very over the top. Sometimes feels like shock value / gross stuff over actually funny stuff. This seems to step up each season lessening my enjoyment.
Still a decent watch 6/10

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A fun watch, bit like money heist meets Sherlock Holmes.
There were quite a few times when the explanations behind Lupin’s plans are a bit far fetched.
The first season ends abruptly but I think this may be covid related.

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A very good show that’s easy to watch and funny. As a UK viewer I think the comedy does verge on too American style sometimes e.g. she’s funny because she’s dumb, he’s funny because he talks funny. Still thoroughly enjoyed, the ending is a bit on the abrupt and rushed side but still does the job.

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Very creepy and well shot with great acting and atmosphere.
Pacing can be a little slow at times particularly in the second season, but still does pay off enough to entertain.
It’s not one of these shows where there’s a big reveal of the mystery, more slow hints at a vague concept. Although I normally don’t find the latter too satisfying it is well done here that I enjoyed it.

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Starts off very strange and unique with the sitcom style. Also a lot of mystery about what’s going on.
In the end the mystery wasn’t too groundbreaking and then the story declines into the usual fight smash pow affair. Does rely too heavily on you remembering side characters or details from previous MCU films which are so numerous and similar that only the die hard fans will follow.
It’s still a fun watch just felt like linking everything back to the whole MCU lessened the uniqueness of the story here.
If you’re a fan of MCU / superheroes definitely something to enjoy. If not you may find the take interesting but a little confusing.

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Santa Clarita Diet

This is such a great show that doesn’t take itself seriously and is so easy to watch. The cast are really strong here too.
It shows Netflix’s bad judgement / flawed approach to incomplete storytelling that they cancelled this. The finale reveals an interesting arc and then abruptly ends. I’m not one for demanding endless series but just rounding off the story would be nice.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars

This is an interesting show that can be a bit hit and miss.
I think it struggles with identity, not knowing whether it’s telling serious Star Wars stories or catering to kids who like PEW PEW BOOM.
As an adult it’s at its best when particularly towards the end they take it seriously and add depth to the Star Wars Universe and story.
Unfortunately it’s pretty scattered in terms of the good and the bad. I had seen some guides online to watching interesting episodes which might save some time.

Hit and miss at worse it’s just a kiddy Star Wars after though but at best it really adds to it. 7/10

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Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel

An interesting and tragic case. The show definitely goes on too long but is interesting enough.
I liked the history of the hotel, the area and other criminals involved with the hotel but these are often thrown in without much context. They should probably have just done a series on the hotel and done an episode about each notable crime / criminals relating to it.
I feel very sorry for Pablo Vergara and hope it serves as a warning to the damage internet conspiracies can do.

There is one moment where a key piece of information is just withheld as the rest of the story is told to keep it mysterious. Felt like a cheap move.
Definitely too much time given to internet conspiracy theorists. I guess they try and tell the story of how easy it is to get drawn in and how damaging it can be but doesn’t feel well executed.

Probably an episode or 2 too long. 6/10

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