The Mandalorian: 2x07 Chapter 15: The Believer

Bit of a generic filler episode

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The Mandalorian: 2x06 Chapter 14: The Tragedy

An entertaining episode but some of the action scenes here are so ridiculous you can’t take them seriously.
Stormtroopers missing every shot or just running up to people with melee weapons so they can be beaten.
The guy on the turret who just tries shooting a rock until it runs him over :man_facepalming:
It’s laughable but feels at odds with the mostly serious tone and high production.
Also agree with others that the lack of jet pack is just a convenient plot device and a bit of a plot hole.

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A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

The source material is super, I recommend the audiobook you will be gripped. This is a crazy rushed adaptation, skimming over almost all characters such that any reveals are confusing and fall a bit flat.
Seems a shame as such good material it’s based off, and SOME good actors (others not so much)
It did the job but instead just feels like a rushed adaptation without the punch of the book. 6/10

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A Quiet Place: Day One

It’s ok and still a decent film just doesn’t feel like brings too much new to the table.
There does have to be something to be said about how immersive it can be at a cinema where everyone is really quiet also.
The use of a cat seems a bit cheap and kind of confirms the writers know that we’d care way more about the cat than any other characters.

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American Horror Story: Season 12

It’s just repetitive and weak and vague. I think they just think being weird and vague makes it deep and interesting but far from it. Every episode is literally something weird happens to Emma Roberts then some side characters act weird. The actual reveal is not really a reveal and exactly what’s teased throughout. Then the conclusion is just meh

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The Creator

The setting and visuals are great. Taking on a relevant subject during relevant times. However the plot is just extremely familiar and safe with very predictable twists if you could even call them that.
Could have been so much more!

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The Wheel of Time: Season 2

I found the first half of season challenging, slow paced and not too much of interest a bit confusing.
It does pick up for second half and ends quite well.
Feel it suffers for viewers not familiar with book as skips over minor characters and background information very quickly

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Riverdale: 7x20 Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Seven: Goodbye, Riverdale

Last season very tame for Riverdale but still plenty camp. It had definitely run its course but I think people underestimate how much Riverdale should be respected for the batshit crazy storylines.

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Bullet Train

This is a surprisingly great fun film. Love that it doesn’t take itself too seriously and is a bit OTT.
Was concerned it was a bit more generic action coming into it but this was so much fun!

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Last Night in Soho

Overall strong film, great actors, memorable scenes. The big reveal is a little cheap as basically relies on deceiving the audience prior to reveal. 7/10

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The Peripheral

First half of the series is great and very engaging. Second half becomes more and more complex ending in lacklustre confusing finale.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

This was a fun engaging movie with great set pieces.
I would say I expected slightly more laughs going off some reviews, perhaps more American than British friendly humour.
I still appreciated the lighthearted unserious tone whilst buying into the story.

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Don’t be boring and watch full chronological or go too random and miss loads of stuff.
I found the following order to be very good:
Yellow, Green, Orange, Blue, Violet, Red, White, Pink:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:

Note this involves switching white one earlier as pink is such a better ending episode.
Overall I was quite impressed, although I don’t quite buy the watch it in any order, the above or similar is very good order. The above order feels quite like a film, introductions -> flashbacks -> build up -> mysterious aftermath -> heist -> epilogue
This was better than expected considering seeing average reviews. It’s fast paced and intriguing with a brave ending which I think tells a deeper story about chasing revenge, wealth and the wealthy. Doesn’t blow your mind but very solid with decent acting 7/10

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The most confusing action film ever but can’t deny the spectacle.
The sound is terribly mixed not helped by most of the dialogue during action being muffled by masks along with crazy loud music and effects.
Can’t help but feel the concept is intentionally a bit vague as if there were more explanation the film would probably be full of plot holes.
However should definitely watch this film once just make sure you have subtitles on.

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The overarching plot feels familiar, but the nostalgia, charm and character helps elevate to a solid show.
Feel like the show could go a bit further than Wednesday’s dark one liners in terms of the juxtaposition of this dark cartoonish life her family lives alongside a normal world.
If Netflix goes too overkill with the show the formula may become tired, looking at stats it sounds like this may be the case in the future.

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The Menu

One of the best and most original movies I’ve seen in a while. Edge of your seat stuff every minute whilst throwing in dashes of levity.
9/10 as perfection does not exist

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Clearly a lot of thought and effort put into this. However prequel suffers from even viewers having an idea of main plot points and relatively slow pacing.
Could well pay off to be something greater but currently is just enjoyable and a little slow for my liking. 7/10

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Very crude and stupid at times, but ok for watching in bed etc 6/10

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Paper Girls

Doesn’t feel as well paced and fun as source material.
From episode 2 to the penultimate episode it feels a bit like the girls are falling out all the time before we even know them well.
The end of season “cliffhanger” is not very well done and just leaves it a bit confusing.
Hope it gets renewed as still watchable but at its best when following main story and time travelling.

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Ms. Marvel

Like a lot of the Marvel TV spin offs it starts with some intrigue and deteriorated into averageness which feels more like mediocrity with the repetitiveness of Marvels formula.
Extra complaint that the audio mixing here seems particularly bad with quiet talking and mumbling.
I actually think it’s commendable the inclusion of a different culture in Marvel but just wish it wasn’t such an average show otherwise.

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The Book of Boba Fett

Turns out the badass bounty hunter from the original films is just a bit boring and wants to be a nice guy??
The series only really gets interesting by morphing into the Mandalorian for a few episodes.
Does the job just feels a bit unnecessary as a whole.

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Bullsh*t The Gameshow

Easy entertaining watch. Nothing groundbreaking but definitely fun. Think there are some inconsistencies on the production / rules which don’t make much sense. 7/10

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Moon Knight

Very good show and setup unfortunately is held back a bit by being MCU.
The biggest mystery to the series is spoiled because you know how it has to go because it’s MCU.
They did do right to avoid any cameos

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The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window

Very strange mild parody tone can be a bit jarring. Definitely nails making you go straight into the next episode from the cliffhanger.
The twist was a little predictable, but fit in well with the slightly surreal tone.

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American Horror Stories

If you want more AHS this is going to entertain. However most of these stories are weaker than main series.
The final episode is very strange and the final scene seems to make no sense.

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Y: The Last Man

I came into this intrigued after mostly enjoying the comics, thinking with some tweaks it could make a great show.
The show does make some changes, making the story gritty, slower and lots of political intrigue. However, this in my opinion is generally to its detriment.
It’s extremely slow, focussing on drawing out some weaker points from the comics. I found it watchable but generally a bit dull.
The show misses such a trick by never showing Yoricks story in the immediate aftermath.
Wouldn’t mind watching more but generally indifferent 6/10

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Oats Studios

I was intrigued that I may find another gem like love, death & robots. Whilst this shares similarities, it falls far more into the experimental and tech demo side of things. Generally stories, whilst potentially interesting are very abrupt and vague, with no satisfying conclusion.
I was actually left wanting more from some of the stronger stories because they were very intriguing, but feel like a trailer / teaser.
Overall some hit and miss but all lack some satisfaction. Would love to see films / expanded shorts of the stronger stories, but seems it was all just a tease 6/10

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Fear of Rain

Enjoyable and tense fast paced watch, but with a few flaws the more you think about it 7/10.

What I liked:
The element of uncertainty regarding the reality of the main character
This creeping sense that builds up to the finale where things get extremely wild
The twist is good but I think entirely predictable and hinted at a bit too obviously

What I didn’t like so much:
Although unqualified to make too much of a judgement, I feel like the portrayal of schizophrenia is perhaps a little problematic/ dramatised. Sometimes watching it felt like are they kind of exploiting this very real illness to make an over the top story
I felt like there could have been a few more creepy moments with the neighbour whether imagined or otherwise as that actress just nailed the creepy vibe
The twist at the end is basically the dad is a dumbass and never believes his daughter, it seems like literally everything would have been sorted if he had a little faith or was more honest with her

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The Suicide Squad

Tries a little too hard to be funny, plot lacks depth, but reasonably enjoyable light hearted romp 7/10

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An interesting concept and endearing at times, however suffers from a lot of marvel concept of just serving a purpose to setup something more interesting. 7/10

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