The Purge

First few episodes were OK, then it went into feminism, racism, etc etc. When will they stop trying to educate and just entertain. Pure shite from then on.

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Squid Game

It's interesting to see that nothing is said, in the media, about the way a Pakastani man is portrayed in the show as a naive idiot with stereotypical mannerisms of that region. If this show was made in the West the creators would have been lynched on social media for that. But here they patronise the Korean makers by patting them on the head and saying ‘Well done you, aren’t you clever, you made a thing’. We really have lost the plot in the Western World.
I’ve enjoyed it, but it was very over-hyped and nothing special. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I spoke Korean as the dubbing was pretty bad.

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Douglas Is Cancelled

We get it, man = bad and stupid, women = good and clever. Now can we have something original please?

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Bill Burr Presents Immoral Compass

Would love to see this become a regular thing. Some big names here and I'm suspecting they are not charging huge fees and doing it for the love of it. Funny a lot and very very funny at times, but there are messages in here to make you think too.

Billy boy has mellowed over the years, but that's not a bad thing. Angry ginger manages to raise his head now and again to remind us he still has a sting in the tail.

Hopefully Roku can handle the backlash that some of the episodes will get.

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Feels like the writers had 75% of a good idea and instead of fleshing it out they took LSD and shat on the page. Really not worth the effort unless you like being told your the problem all along ... which we know already ... give us something to escape from our own tragic, worthless existence.

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Schitt's Creek

All these comments and none mention the real star of the show Catherine O'Hara. There are so many two or three word pieces of genius in her script. And delivered brilliantly.

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The Boys

Getting worried about season 2 ... there is a creeping feeling of a moral tale to be told! Certainly not something I want to happen or think should. For once can the nasty baddies win please and the good guys get their ass kicked? Please?!

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Penny Dreadful: City of Angels

Will give it a go, but how are they going to recreate the atmosphere of the original? I wonder if it would have been better to not associate it with the fantastic gothic atmosphere of 19th century London.

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Miss Farscape so much. Really hope the rumours of a reboot come true.

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The Mandalorian

It started OK, it's going down hill .... but who cares The Expanse is back on today!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ash vs Evil Dead

I put off watching it as I knew it had been cancelled after season 3. But I just had to watch it! Binged the whole lot in two weeks... now I'm sad it is no more. Bruce is such a legend!

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Fantastic in every way. Season 2 still my favorite so far.

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Another really good science fiction show that will be sadly missed. Great final episode and season. Thank you to all involved...

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Complete drivel, I watched the first 10 minutes of the first episode and that was enough for me. I'm getting worried about Netflix creating this type of arse water programming. Who actually sat down and watched this and thought ... yeah that's great lets commission a whole season of it?

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The Haunting of Hill House

Shout by ShrimpBoatSteve
BlockedParent2018-10-22T00:49:47Z— updated 2018-10-25T10:00:40Z

Fantastic series, for once we are given a show that doesn't hold our hand and lead us through the story. I don't know why people need shows that explain every moment, this is gripping stuff throwing up more questions than answers.

Hell, if Stephen King loves it you know there is some great interpretation of the original story.

Update on my previous comment:

I was a bit disappointed by the last episode, it felt as if they were stuck between finishing the story or making room for a new season. Even more disappointing was the obligatory ... 'and the moral of the story is ...' where I felt we were being told to love one another and be happy bunnies. We know that's what we should do, but I don't want to be forced fed this in a horror series that I was enjoying so much. We watch this stuff for our own psychological torture not moral advice!

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13 Reasons Why

I found season one gripping and a tough emotional watch. Season two seems rushed, and in parts I found myself rolling eyes at the cheesy dialogue. later episodes were excellent with some truly heartfelt writing, but it should have ended with season one. Season three could tarnish the power and message of S1.

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Star Trek: Discovery

I'm not much of a Trekkie, which is probably why I kinda like it.

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Mr. Robot

S3 is just superb so far, a tangled web with twists and turns at every available crossroad. With the plus that only twats have iPhones ... just one to annoy the fanboys. Fuck yeah skookum televisual especial.

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The Mist

Tom Jane should be sent in, but this time with an automatic rifle rather than a revolver.

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Fantastic, dark and beautiful. Even if I wasn't bias as a Jason Bateman fan, I would class this series as one of the best on Netflix.
OK, it is a bit of a Breaking Bad story line in some respects, but there is nothing wrong with that.

If the regular TV networks are still not scared of Netflix original output then they are the fools there shows show them to be.

More more more please!!

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Fear the Walking Dead

Season 3 has really pulled it's socks up. Much darker than TWD and the softness has abated. The characters that brought the series down are removed, leaving the interesting and strong players to evolve. The second half of the season has some fantastic writing and emotion. I'm finding it more interesting than the Rick centric slop being served up by TWD now.

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Battlestar Galactica

The best space sci-fi ever made. So Say We All! Very sad that Richard 'Apollo' Hatch died this year, his last film is released this year ... Diminuendo, go see it!

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The Expanse

Absolutely love this show, why it is so low on the ratings I don't know! If you want to see more of The Expanse being made then get on Twitter and Facebook and push for people to watch it. It's what Sci-Fi space fans have been waiting for since Firefly, Farscape and Battlestar Galactica if we don't support it we will lose it.

I've ordered The Expanse books as I can't get enough of this.

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A Series of Unfortunate Events

Brilliant acting, beautiful sets beautifully shot. I wasn't hugely familiar with the books, bit after my time :) ,but I will have to give them a read. Looking forward to the next season. All the cast are super with special mention to Neil Patrick Harris, superb as Count Olaf.

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Excellent series, hopefully Netflix will pick it up for season 2.

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Breaking Bad

The series that every other series should aspire to be as well written, acted and produced.

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