The Plus One

There was good parts but it was disjointed. Really thought it would've been better... So annoyed by Lizzie being told to not let it bother her multiple times when it came to the rude Marie and making her feel guilty when she got upset about it.

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The Estate

Great acting cast but the film was meh.

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Good movie, held my interest, intense at times. The character played by Katherine Heigl is almost the same exact character she played in Home Sweet Hell. She does it well.

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Not worth it. Some acting was terrible, slow start, not enough thriller. Waste of my time.

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California Dreaming

Annoyed by the husband not defending his wife. Annoyed by the brat teen daughter. Nobody seemed to care that the wife wanted this vacation for her 40th. Not funny.

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A Family Affair

Loved this movie! Lots of laughs, romance. Would recommend.:heart_eyes:

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Nikki Glaser: Perfect

Not very funny, mildly entertaining, didn't laugh once. :unamused:

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Christmas with the Campbells

Definitely NOT the typical Christmas romance movie. Don't expect a Hallmark-style movie. It's more of a spoof - lots of clichés, double entendres, sex talk, silly phrases, and swearing! More comedy than romance. Not for kids. (Vince Vaughn is a writer and producer.)

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Maggie Moore(s)

Loosely based on a true story! A few unexpected twists, a couple laughs, pretty good.

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I Could Never Be Your Woman

Cute movie - Paul Rudd makes this movie funny and enjoyable! Don't need the Mother Nature character AT ALL! - Tracey Ullman is annoying! If they had totally cut her part out, I'd give it an 8 instead of 7.

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One of my favorite comedies! Love it! Lots of laughs and quotable lines! John Cena is so funny in this! Have seen it multiple times and own the DVD.

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Rodney Carrington: Here Comes the Truth

Sadly, not the Rodney I remember...

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Vacation Friends

Thought it would be funnier but a good movie.

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Spin Me Round

FYI: The actor, Alessandro Nivola, who plays the main character Nick (owner of Tuscan Grove) also played Pollux Troy, the younger brother of Nicholas Cage's character Castor Troy in the movie Face/Off. :exploding_head:

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Amy and Peter Are Getting Divorced

Terrible, don't bother. Couldn't get past 10 minutes...

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Not too bad, some laughs.

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Last Night

Couldn't finish it... Dull, boring, no chemistry.

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Never Let Go

This movie could've been much better - fight scenes were missing the fight parts as if they were skipped altogether, she seemingly climbs walls?, and needs subtitles with foreign language scenes. Also, there are a few noticeable scene errors with blood / no blood or shirt tied on her head / no shirt- retakes without continuity. The movie seemed hurried to finish. Improbable that a single mom would take a baby there on vacation tho I appreciate the beginning message and the happy result. I wanted it to be good...

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Love, Repeat

The narration by Bill Connington was great - I found his voice very soothing - & love the descriptions about NYC as well as the song. I just found the ending confusing. The point was to win back his ex-wife but I didn't see much attempt at all besides giving her flowers once. Just his attempts at dating. In the end, she takes him back right after her fiance leaves her for his ex, because he gives her ring back? Am I missing something? Like the change she wanted from him? More attempts to win her back? There were definitely some plot holes. Also, his friends were weirdly overacting & their storyline doesn't add anything except some strange 'soap opera' style moments. There was a few good laughs but overall, not great.

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Funny Thing About Love

Started watching, kept trying to get thru it, but couldn't keep watching after pushing 15 minutes or so. Terrible acting, no flow, awkward moments, overacting, — 2 good actors (John Heder & Barry Corbin) cannot hold the movie together for the rest, especially when they're not the main characters. The main actors are so wooden. Just awful. I hardly ever quit watching a movie either.

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Awesome movie! A definite must-watch!

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Gary Gulman: The Great Depresh

Really love how candid he is about mental health. Definitely a lot of laughs too!

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