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Germany NRW City Cologne

Return to Sender

An elder solid drama with the marvellous Connie Nielsen. The beginning seems a bit sluggish but then through the tension goes on and final in an unpredictable plot twist... yeah! [7/10]

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Dear Kurt

Til Schweiger is without question a great filmmaker, but in this film he didn't pick me up. Surely he tries with his well-tried and successful film elements to enhance this film, but I won't to see such a sad story. Til has received many awards as an actor and also as a producer and he has often met the spirit of the times, but this is the first film that has honestly bored me. Sorry but In this case, I would have been annoyed to spend money on it in the cinema. Voting fair [6/10]

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The Skeleton Key

pretty good mystical flick with an unexpected plot twist !! Kate gave a fabulous performance... I enjoyed watching until the end... solid Voodoo touched entertainment [7/10]

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omg!! really the most worst low-budget movie ever seen. Not one special effect not one car chase not one action scene °!°
and the theme is "White House taken' :smile:
most bad of all badness :see_no_evil: shame to Ray Liotta [3/10] don't waste your time!!

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Jack the Ripper: The London Slasher

yes well, a wonderfully staged movie based on historical realities with the brilliance of the extremely talented and versatile german actress Sonja Gerhardt, who I like much to watch. The backdrops were like springing from the past and gave the film the apt flair around the year 1888. It came out very nicely how people must have lived 135 years ago. All in all a solid Story around the Legend of "Jack the Ripper" [7/10]

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Just a Breath Away

really, without knowing that "Olga" was one of the main actors i probably never would have started the movie. she is one of my favs and made the movie a lot more bearable. that she ends up sacrificing herself for her daughter is melodramatic! the old couple is so sweet and embodies the meaning of Life and Love ♡ what I found completely illogical was looking for a protective suit for the daughter in the Bio-Tec Lab, but not for more masks for their own Lifes >_< ...but [6/10] fair

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The Swimmers

well, i don't know, for my opinion not so cinemaworthy... one hour pre-story until they start the escape to Europe, so i used my remote control some times. an Olympic feeling is never accomplished. Compliment for them yes, but all in all not so emotional as expected ^_^ [6/10] fair

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Anatomy 2

kinda pretty boring!! i used my remote control more than watching ^_^
also muddled incoherent plots... the complete movie somehow makes no sense at all °!° horror or thriller factor = zero
in no way to compare with the movie "Anatomie" (2000)
please don't waste your time with it ... you might haven't missed anything worth

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Der Wunschzettel

easy-going Christmas story about family, children, siblings, 1st love, marriage, parents, and home sweet home... enjoy :)

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Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor

Sorry but KK really su*KS... she has only grumbled about the style and outfit all the time... lame ! for me absolutely enigma how she joined the ensemble cast >_<
Vanessa is a good actress no question but at least her unrepentant separation from her husband was not really believable. In the movie she finally got her just deserts and I'm glad that her Ex has found happiness!!
Robbie is like a self-absorbed peder@st in this movie and not the best cast for my opinion... [6/10] fair

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Miss Bala

oh yes i like... partly hardboiled mafia movie of Mexican drugs syndicat. the movie has an entertaining plot and consistently good tension. my biggest compliment goes to Gina Rodriguez, unknown to me until now!
She gave an incredibly authentic performance! every facial expression every shape in the eyes every tremor on the body you trust her like for real life!! great!! this is entertainment!!! don't let other stupid comments stop you from enjoying this flick [8/10]

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The Elementary Particles

I like this movie very much not only because of top german actors but the good migration of the book. The deep sense is palpable. All characters are portrayed very well [8/10]

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We Are the Night

I like this german Vampire-Fantasy movie very much! not only because acting a bundle of top german actors but the plot served much cliches like Love, Romance and Trust with speed, action and special effects... recommended [8/10]

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Don't Worry Darling

yes well for me it was really a pretty good movie with an unexpected twist into the real world... the script is genius and reminds a bit to the movie "Surrogates" 12y ago... so all negativ and deep psychologically commentaries, please do not try to cut the flick like a cake... it's nice entertainment with moments of tension and maybe not the best ending in this case... but to show that humanity deepest feelings can't be manipulated constantly °!°
fact is they said, if someone would die in the unreal world you will also be dead in the real world... I think that's why the wife of Frank act very consciously the stay endless in the unreal world just as Bunny decided to do that long before!
in any case, I wasn't disappointed to pay money for this movie in the cinema [7/10]

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Dirty Work

pretty primitive low-budget softcore flick. Enjoy some b( . )( . )bs, but don't expect any meaningful plot... meh(!)

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Jurassic Domination

I can only ever laugh out loud at seeing a great movie poster and then there's only one behind it: Garbage, absolute garbage!!!
The content consists only of a few 3D Rex, which appear in places... it's so incredibly pathetic!!! please don't waste your time and at all safe your money for a better cine movie ^_^ at a list of 1 to 10 ---> 0 Zero!!

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Marla Mae

Lisa van Dam-Bates directed her own book and found a stupid producer. What a waste of money!!! Better buy the poor kids bread. I can't explain why this film is restricted FSK18??? A sixteen year old child would laugh out loud at this =D
only few completely exaggerated blood splatters after 45 minutes of pointless drivel... that all - no horror no scare no plot... simply boring and absolute waste of time ^_^ meh!

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Below Her Mouth

Softcore lesbian flick with hot hot :fire: Bodies and nice B(o)(o)bs... it has a striking resemblance to Blue is the warmest color ... very good erotica :grimacing:

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House Swap

well, kinda boring... reminded me directly of the first episodes of "Paranormal Activity" back then, where a private home cam is constantly running and everything is explained with rambling speeches... bla-bla-bla ^_^ omg!
in between strange things happened that are supposed to scare us, but that doesn't really work °!°
don't waste your time, really - unless you're abnormal para-fan =D then enjoy [5/10] meh

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The Room

About this movie you just have to say a few sentences!
The idea of the plot is amazing, but it shows us something exemplary.
If we can wish for anything we want, we will feel happy only temporarily!
When they did not know yet that nothing outside remains, one would have wished certainly a Jaguar or similarly expensive car!! and then? it would have stood in the living room?
Thus it was never clarified whether wishes are rejected by not appearing at all! And nobody has questioned whether the whole "getting it for free" has a price that one might have to fear! People distrust when they are given so much!!
Unfortunately, many questions remain unanswered... why can't a wish just wish something away, like the baby in the beginning? Why would you take it outside to let it "decompose"?
Why was Shane able to create this little "parallel world" outside and even become Mark's double
It's a shame that the script isn't really well thought out and consistent in its plot!
nevertheless, I rate this one 7/10

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The Tomorrow War

This movie is unbearable!
Complete nonsense, at the latest where the self-proclaimed high school ELITE sets off to Russia in the ice desert!
Everything completely unrealistic, too many clichés, too much would-be heroes who don't want to be heroes!
Only the good ones finish off any monsters with a few shots, the others shoot their whole magazine empty and still get eaten!
complete bullshit and totally waste of time! max. [3/10]
Better watch Starship Trooper :smile:

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Really, I have no idea what to say about that. Lots of action and a smart bad man, but somehow the flick didn't picked me up!
Bruce Willis is the promoter of the movie, but only plays a retiree in a supporting role. Fair 6/10

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I found this movie of 2015 by random on streaming TV and was pleasantly surprised. Very good plot+ and always a brilliant Robert deNiro... in general all actors were excellent. Powerful action and partly hard scenes. Against the "Shout by Bas", the twist wasn't be expected. In total solid entertainment [7/10]

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Shout by Steev
BlockedParent2022-09-23T21:14:43Z— updated 2023-03-21T03:43:57Z

Found this movie by random on streaming TV and was pleasantly surprised. Very good flick and the "Shout by Dann" is semi-bullshit... Nicolas Cage and Nicole Kidman made an excellent acting! Surely the plot has a normaly pre-acting until the action increase. In total solid entertainment. [7/10]

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Final Voyage

pls don't waste your for this poor movie (!)
this is boring like boring could be >_<
i can't understand who is willing to give money for such a flick! It should be better given to children in need !!!
I switched off before the half time!!

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Thirteen Days

yes well... i'm absolutely agree with other comments... very good movie with palpable sense! [8/10]
really frightening stuff... at this time in the past i was an half yr. yg. baby and my life wouldn't be the same (like for millions of other peoples) or respectively dead! Thanks god for my Life ^_^
...and today we look to Europe at the region of Ukraine... actually the dammed Russia didn't stop to force the manner of war °!°
Whiskey Tango Foxtrott

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Mein Kampf

Please watch this movie focused and patient... it shows you the first steps of Hitler before turning to politics. What would have happened in contemporary history if the Jew Schlomo hadn't converted Hitler to go into politics instead of becoming an artist?
really interesting and the Mrs. Death said to him: "What if your influence on Hitler turns to the Negative?" It's a shame it actually happened !! >_<

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ok it seems to be an average good comedy movie but unfortunately the German synchronization is really so fuckin' awful that i switched off after 30 min. approx*!* but rank 5/6 of 10.

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It’s Your Turn, Honey!

A wonderfully funny comedy about parents who wants to divorce, but neither of them wants to have the children alone. Thus, the children decide about the supposed happiness of parents. Exaggerated, ironically humor with several German Comedy Stars... enjoy [7/10]

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Bring mich nach Hause

very nice movie... it's a virtually mirror reflection of a situation, which could happen exactly so in the real life!

Not only, because I'm currently in a similar situation, no, for my opinion all actors played very authentically. Especially the sisters are going throughout in a contrary dialogue - ethical, social thinking vs. materialistic, cost-benefit thinking. Nevertheless, at the end comes a completely unexpected twist! very emotional - recommendable [7/10]

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