Stuart Mann

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Bedford, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

Ozark: 4x14 A Hard Way to Go

Shout by Stuart Mann

Good ending to the show and a good final season overall. A bit convenient and contrived that she asked Shaw in a chance encounter at the do and she blabbed to drive the whole ending but satisfying none the less

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The Walking Dead: 10x04 Silence the Whisperers

Jeepers! What has happened to this show! Soft rock music plays, tree falls over, king panics, king goes to jump of cliff, Daryl cleans door, more soft rock music plays, the end. Crock of.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x15 Channel 5

A scooby doo villain, painting trees as an artistic way of expressing yourself and a video camera pointed in everyone’s face even when in danger. I would have stuck the camera somewhere she couldn’t reach the record button episodes ago! Used to like this since TWD went lame, wouldn’t of believed this could end up worse

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The Quiet Man

Can’t believe that it was deemed exceptable back then to treat a wife like that. He knocks her about all over the place and it’s all ok and laughed off! Weird.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x09 Channel 4

Wow, TWD has turned to pap and now FTWD has topped it with this awful episode. I was laughing out loud at the preposterous landmine scene.

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