Review by wolfkin
BlockedParent2021-08-02T15:38:47Z— updated 2021-08-05T23:23:14Z

All the previews and clips of this episode looked interesting. It's a super interesting premise. It's just a shame that aside from an interesting premise, Rick and Morty does Voltron, the episode just kind of flops instead twisting into a Casino parody. At that point it's mostly too abbreviated to be more than just recognizable and not really interesting. The clips and previews we've been seeing all still work but things like the FBI replacement characters (the real Anime characters), feel far more gratuitous than again interesting.

It's a shame this is the episode I was most looking forward to and so much of it just felt reductive. Like having both a rick that's a version of Tony Montana AND having a final scarface scene.

In the post they fret and frown over how much scale there is in this episode but there isn't really. There was more scale in the meatballhead uncertainty principle episode. The animation here isn't that interesting. They talk about how many different versions of Beth and Jerry have to be created but all the family members look the same. There's no design work. The only thing different is the Ricks. It actually would have been more interesting if the family members took on their rick's features. As in Fat-Faced Rick would have a Fat-Faced Morty and the entire family would also likewise be Fat-Faced. It's not as if we haven't seen the Mortys come in different flavors. The voltrons are supposed to scale up as in 5 voltrons form a super-voltron with each voltron forming a body part but when this happens it looks exactly like a normal voltron. There's no careful animation showing for instance than the right arm is made up of 5 lions thus each arm is multicolored to show it's makeup of a full voltron. it's just one big voltron. There's actually a lack of scale you never feel like anything is bigger. The grid shot where you see five headshots showing five voltrons has all the family members in place when instead it would make more sense and be more interesting to see the placement by body parts. [Right Foot, Right Arm, Head/Body, Left Arm, Left Foot]

Reviewing the producer comments on the Inside the Episode (https://youtu.be/k6WR_lmExqs), there's a scene at about 0:22 where everyone is flying out in hexes and it's even lazier than the aforementioned scene. In this scene there's a series of hexes flying out but in every hex it's the same, Morty-Yellow, Summer-Red, Beth-Blue, Jerry-Green. They're all identical in identical poses every time. Clearly they were copy and pasted around randomly occasionally flipped. Lazy animation is fine but it's weird that they would insist that this episode was so harrowing. When clearly they cut corners, that they didn't cut on A Rickle in Time back in Season 2, or even The Ricklantis Mixup, in Season 3.

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@wolfkin i don't watch this show for the animation, bruh.

@dewdropvelvet a) I don't write my reviews for you "bruh" b) I only mention the animation because the producers mentioned the animation in this specific episode (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6WR_lmExqs) c) I mentioned OTHER things beyond the animation.

The episode had a great premise but fell flat and was a bit boring. It's cool if you like boring things. I got no beef with that. But you don't influence what aspect of the episode I review.
