Shout by The_Argentinian

Rick and Morty: Season 6

6x01 Solaricks

So, was anyone else confused by it all?

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@the_argentinian Surprisingly not. What was confusing?

@the_argentinian What was confusing about this episode?

@gloom8 to begin with? everything

@the_argentinian All of it?! Oh, boy. Well, maybe start with watching any youtube video on Rick C-137 timeline?

You probably just forgot some key-moments: Cronenberg reality (where we started in season 1); Jerry's daycare switcheroo; Rick C-137 canon origin with Evil Rick killing Our Rick's wife and daughter with the bomb. Once you remember the key-moments and maybe rewatch previous season final - I'm pretty sure there is absolutely nothing to be confused about in the structure or plot of this episode.

I think my problem is that plot relevant episodes are too rare and too far apart, it's basically just the first and last episodes of each season with a few forgettable details thrown here and there, honestly i don't ever remember much of what Evil Morty did last episode just that he wanted to "leave" the Rick dominated set of universes and that as a result we might get people smarter then him because of it.
