Shout by Ward

Possibly the worst episode in the entire show so far.

Constant mindless saying of "die hard" "jokes", constant mindless "this isn't a religion" jokes. Boring story of Summer, boring villain, boring story of Rick just wandering around saying mindless shit and off-screen a lot making ships to rescue the Morty's. Speaking of which, it isn't really clear if these people are distilled Morty's, or if they just have a piece of him, "one 5 billionth" so i'm assuming it's that. If so, then it makes no sense there would be a religion or it would spread like that or any of these character's acting like they are, and i felt all of them having the voice of Morty was off and stopped the npc's from having more depth. The whole episode felt juvenile, boring, nonsensical and mediocrely written.

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@warden1 Walkie talkie Die Hard motherfucker!

Reply by Gabriel Githiora
Blocked2022-09-15T18:26:31Z— updated 2022-09-19T21:31:05Z

@warden1 A lot of the jokes were Die Hard references. However, the over-arching theme of the episode is the idea that the show is operating in a multiverse and the constant references indicate that Die Hard (even the Snyder Cut) are now cannon to the show. Also it's not lost on the showrunners that the references will not be understood by many of the younger fans when they make the joke “I’m 17 no I’ve never seen die hard”.

The Mortys are a piece of his pysche. That's why Martha, the Morty that remains behind, struck a deal with Rick that allowed Morty to leave if Rick keeps the game alive. Her staying behind leaves the one and true Morty devoid of the part that doesn't trust Rick - when Morty says "I trust you implicitly" at the end when they escape. Martha was the part of Morty that distrusted Rick. In a way this indicates that the showrunners are kinda "rebooting" the show to a season 2 Morty that trusts Rick more. However, the part where this theory falls short is in whether or not all the other Morty citizens die and how this affects Morty.

The episode sticks to the narrative that each Morty represents a piece of his psyche. That's why a Morty mom and a Morty dad can exist in the world and Rick keeps saying that once they leave Morty will "find it hilarious". The Morty he's talking to doesn't seem to understand why this is so. Also Rick says it's a video game so maybe the rules apply differently?

Anyways that's my 2cents lol
