An insanely mediocre way to close out an insanely lame season of television. The lightsaber stuff was funny, but relied to much on stupid pop culture references and just wasn't finale material. The big twist in this episode falls flat due to the fact that it literally only changes the audiences perspective on the previous episode, which was legitimately so forgettable that I had to mentally double check to make sure they weren't referencing events that never occurred on screen. The end of the episode implies that next season will use Rick Prime as a recurring antagonist and that we'll have a more serialized story, but I'm immediately calling bullcrap on that. At best we'll get a story heavy premiere followed by a lazy overused joke about serialization and then we'll be subjected to nine more episodes of painful mediocrity.

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@jakurz I can understand the serialization jokes to an extent, especially a few years back when Rick and Morty was blowing up, but they also need to understand that fans only want more serialization and story because the show gave it to us first and then pumped the brakes on it for a while until they felt ready to incorporate stuff again. Definitely a difference between teasing fans who want ridiculous things and teasing fans who want more of the good stuff that the creators already provided and essentially promised more of.

More importantly did you notice Morty's LS was Jedi and Ri k's Sith? Rick '

@kuhncumber 100% agree. A light tease every now and then would be so much better than these super bitter episodes centered entirely around the concept of serialization. I understand the writers' annoyance, but putting up with audience expectations is just part of being a writer.
