6.5/10. So I know I'm pretty alone in this, but I don't particularly enjoy the free-form improvisational sketch episodes of 'Rick and Morty' (i.e. this and Rixty Minutes). I get the absurd DIY comedy of it; it just doesn't really work for me. I can appreciate how the rapid-fire and slapdash nature of the sketches, and their ridiculous/violent tone has a bit of charm, but somehow they're very hit and miss for me, and the unfinished quality of them doesn't click somehow. It's an Adult Swim show, so I suppose some of that is just required. I'd rather they saved it for Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

The Jerry story was one joke, albeit a clever and funny one, stretched across and entire B-plot. It's a funny enough premise, and it ought to work in principle, but it was predictable where the story was going and that lessened the laughs.

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