A highlight of an already stellar season. I loved the matryoshka doll nature of the various world, and Rick meeting his near-equal and mirror image, whom he also created, while being almost totally blind to it was a great tack to take with the story. Morty's bewilderment at Rick failing to see the irony was a good look for him, and the little details of each universe and how the creators had warped them (including the Tiny Scientist's reaction to the news) were great for both humor and heft in the episode. Dark and poignant and funny all at the same time, like the show is at its best, while taking a left turn every time you think you know where the story's going.

Summer's storyline in the car was a neat riff on the Asimov stories of "protect all humans" laws getting out of hand. The way everything escalated until the final twist was great comedic heightening. (The emotional attack in particularly was some amazing black comedy.) Summer's shell-shocked reaction at the end was the icing on the cake.

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my new favorite episode, hilarious and strangely thought provoking. Great episode.

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The after credit scene alone gets 10/10!

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I've been rather critical about Rick and Morty so far, with just 2 or 3 episodes snatching a rating of 8. But this episode was glorious! 9/10

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Another awesome episode and the summers storyline was really really disturbing

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Another near perfect episode. Rick and Zeep's rivalry really makes this episode special, really love how far they go in order to one up each other. Surprisingly, the Summer and Rick's car plotline was also really solid, with a lot of really good dark humor and creepy visuals. Really love this one, go watch it.

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the answer for all is "42", but the solution for all are "additional steps"!

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Shout by Deleted

Another brilliant episode in a great series (except for last weeks episode).

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