Weakest episode of the season by far.

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Easily the worst of Season 2. While most of the TV segments are still pretty funny, it's the connecting story that really hurts this one. The idea of Jerry having to go to an alien hospital is a really interesting one, but the premise and setting is wasted on a bunch of jokes about cutting of Jerry's penis to save some guy nobody cares about. Jerry's attitude and the whole heroin bit just really stinks and falls short of the greatness that was Interdimensional Cable 1. I'm glad the writer's decided not to use this same exact framing device in the following seasons, even if results vary.

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better than the first interdimensional cable imo!!!

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Shout by Kalapeno


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Get out of my personal space. Personal space.

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Who is Jan-Michael Vincent? It's not important.

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6.5/10. So I know I'm pretty alone in this, but I don't particularly enjoy the free-form improvisational sketch episodes of 'Rick and Morty' (i.e. this and Rixty Minutes). I get the absurd DIY comedy of it; it just doesn't really work for me. I can appreciate how the rapid-fire and slapdash nature of the sketches, and their ridiculous/violent tone has a bit of charm, but somehow they're very hit and miss for me, and the unfinished quality of them doesn't click somehow. It's an Adult Swim show, so I suppose some of that is just required. I'd rather they saved it for Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

The Jerry story was one joke, albeit a clever and funny one, stretched across and entire B-plot. It's a funny enough premise, and it ought to work in principle, but it was predictable where the story was going and that lessened the laughs.

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That was a lot of quirkiness in this episode. Pretty much a full episode cramped with it. Personally, I love the quirkiness in Dan Harmon shows the most, so I loved this episode.
Seems as if there's a word missing that Morty was supposed to say but wasn't synchro'd, shortly after Rick says he always wondered how a plumbus was made. Morty makes a movement with his mouth that looks like a "what", or a simple "ehh?".

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