awww this episode made me actually sad rip Tony i wish they could’ve had a bff life

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This one's a real stinker. What starts out with the potential to be another "The Ricks Must Be Crazy" quickly devolves into an absolute nothing of an episode. Rick's dynamic with the toilet guy is simultaneously overly long and underdeveloped, really hated the direction they decided to take with it. Morty and Jerry's plotline is legitimately the most forgettable of the entire show, I completely forgot about it until rewatching this one recently. Really disappointing after a pretty solid season premiere.

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this episode was a great little deep dive into Rick's character

spinning the majority of the episode trying to hunt down the person who took a s*** in his super secret private bathroom planet lol yes You read that right

Rick stops at nothing to to find the culprit

only to fine a lot of his self and his insecurities in The person responsible

The episode ends with one of Rick's most vulnerable humbling moments at an all-time low as he takes a dump in his vast lonely domain that's some deep s***

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I don’t think this is the weakest Rick and Morty episode, season 4 may be a little bit disappointing but I still think it’s good overall, the Morty and Jerry storyline is a little rushed and pointless but I still found a Jerry and Morty adventure entertaining, and I ricks storyline was good too, we get another sad moment in ricks life and kind of learn a little about the type of person he is, for me the worst episode would be the snake episode, this one I quite like.

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Taking the classic main plot / sub plot narrative this week, the main plot around an app, the fickle nature of the modern world where we react to what our devices tell us, and the sub plot about a secret toilet and how the things we hate may sometimes be the things we love or that drive us to be who we are, is subtle and brilliant. in my opinion the sub plot was superb and the true gem. as a fan of the old man and the sea I could see the connection. the final scene in the glade had me emotional which I was not expecting. genius story telling

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I swear when I heard Glootie's voice I knew immediately that it was Taika Waititi

Anyway this episode was fun but weird at the same time.. Rick usually doesn't give a f**k about anyone that bothers him, especially not second chances, so I found it weird that he showed compassion for that alien pooper.. Rick didn't feel like himself during this episode and I don't know how to feel about it

So far with this second episode they have random adventures which is fine cuz that's what the show is all about but I wonder if they will go back to the main plot of Evil Morty storyline.. I hope we see big revelation with that storyline

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Shout by Deleted

Weakest Rick and Morty episode ..
I didn't laugh even once!

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Weak stuff. Discarded ideas that wouldn't have made the cut in previous seasons.

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So... we had an awesome first episode and this one is about... pooping???

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"He crashed into a tree space skiing down mount everest."

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