The heist to END all heists. What a hillarious and mind bending episode!

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Lab coat. Rip off Dr. Strange! So goddamn funny.

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your boos mean nothing, Ive seen what makes you cheer

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It might have been a heist, but Mr. Poopybutthole was the real thief. He stole my heart, again

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Ah there we go, that's the good shit

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great little parody of heist movies as well as Comic-Con culture

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A mind fuck that's about it

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What a mind meld... Loved it.. An once again... The jokes come thick and fast...

Suitable multiple rewatch to catch what you miss..

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that was one mind-bending episode.

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Shout by Jakurz
BlockedParent2022-10-23T01:59:52Z— updated 2023-07-12T23:19:48Z

Really enjoyed this one. I thought the opening setpiece of the heist convention mixed with the crew assembly montage was a really strong start, and I was really into the idea of the Heistoron. Where the episode lost me was the finale, as Rick and Heistotron's final confrontation is really obnoxious and poorly written. Loved seeing Mr. Poopy Butthole though. I also thought this episode had some really great character designs for the crew members, even if they all end up being nothing more than set dressing in the end. One of the better of the season, but still not great.

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Easily the best Rick and Morty episode in ages :')

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A great episode as always on this show !

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Ricks Power scaling definitely went through the roof on this episode. Rick is so OP he could probably stop people like superman, thanos etc no problem he has exceeded braniac level intellect.

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Great as per usual. Lots of great quotes too.

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this shit makes me wanna eat something I'm not supposed to eat like a table or a bald man's hair!!!

fucking awesome show. heist my titty poppy butt hole...Morty....the music OMG the music I wan hammock and jamming till the curtains

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