"Young, dumb, and orbiting the sun" is gd hysterical.

This episode reminds me how much I'd missed the family dynamics this season. Even if the writing is kinda slacker than many past family-focused episodes, seeing them bounce off each other is still a kick, and sure-fire funny.

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love this season so far!

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this one's my all-time favorite episode haha so good

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What the FUCK did they do to summer, she’s so annoying now. Those two are becoming more like rick, but mortys getting smarter and summers just becoming a bitch.
“If I die don’t eat my ass that would be weird”

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“Isn’t it obvious morty? I fucked a planet”

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Nice undertones in this episode

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This one was... fine. Wasn't really all that in to the Rick and Beth bonding plot, but thought the planet full of Rick babies was kind of fun and Jerry's plotline was neat. Where this one really fell apart for me was when the god shows up, he and Rick's fight sucks and perfectly exemplifies everything I don't like about Rick from Season 3 onwards. Also, Morty and Summer's plotline is so minor I almost forgot to even mention it in this review, it sucks.

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Planets only! mmmm mmmm mmmm:)

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