Feels like the show's weakest episode (I checked and this is the first one I ever rated down to 6).

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Alison Brie was good as Planetina, but nothing about this episode felt surprising or new. Just a run-of-the-mill R&M episode, I guess... I can't think of a single element that I find memorable. Hmm, maybe the fight scene.

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Gotta take off a couple stars for the annoying (and frankly, terrible) Rick/Summer plot.

But excluding that, the planetina plot was great. Started out as a parody of Captain Planet (but weren't there 5 in the show? Never watched it so idk) and how easily corruption can affect anyone, then descended into eco-terrorism lol.

Unfortunately, the Rick/Summer plot really drags it down. I liked how she was included more at first, but now I kinda want it to stop.

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Fred Stoller wtf are you doing here? I'm not ashamed to say I cried at the end of this one. Morty deserved so much and got it ripped away and he was so close. Right after episode one of this season where Jessica was fleeting yet again. Kinda wished Rick would invent something to show Planetina morals and not to kill people and maybe the relationship would've stayed :( I wanted it as much as Morty did.

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why was this so sad for no reason wth

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Not as good as the last two episodes, but still solid. Really loved most of the Morty and Planetina stuff, but everything about it felt really rushed. I think the episode could have benefited from ditching the Rick and Summer plotline entirely and dedicating the entire 22 minutes to the Morty plotline.

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The final montage with the Kishi Bashi song give me goosebumps everytime - so powerful

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sad song’s name is I Am the Antichrist to You by Kishi Bashi:/

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if you ever watched Captain planet as a kid this episode was great for you

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Well that was kinda weird

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Didn't like this episode as it was sad and ugly for me. But nice that Summer became deeper. She was the most adequate person on this episode in my opinion ‍♂

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what the fuck was that shit

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a personal favourite! right in the feels...

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They should just kill summer off at this point

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I think this was one of the best ones

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Now THIS is the kind of episode I like to see.

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thank God someone finally said you shouldn't save the world by murdering innocent people.

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It reminds me of Captain Planet. I loved it as a kid. Now I love this episode more. :D

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This was really good, sad, beautul, funny and Rick and Morty <3

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Best episode of the season, so far. Sometimes, the writers try to show off how clever they are but other times, they keep it simple with beautiful stories like this one. The B plot was hilarious.

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Morty has been the highlight of this season so far, his part of this episode was great. Summer makes me uncomfortable and all that was kinda weird but it was cool to see her and Rick connecting I guess.

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Awww, this was a really sad one for them all.

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