this one was so gross

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So horrible, maybe the show's worst episode. Not a single truly funny joke, everyone is constantly out of character for no reason and the President continues to be one of the show's worst characters. Really hated this one, which is sad considering how much I enjoyed the first three episodes of this season.

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I am DONE! This show jumped the shark last season and it's just been on a downward spiral ever since.

This episode was a new low.

This is a waste of my life...

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This one was a real flop IMO :wink:

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Funny fact: "Poñeta" sounds a lot like "punheta", which means "jerk off" in Portuguese. Pretty sure that wasn't a coincidence.

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I think that the incest baby was gross. Too much. They took their “joke” way too far.

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The random ham-fisted feminist lines are really cringy as f***

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It escalated too fast.
Man excessive mas******* is dangerous. It's good to see that even the show is supporting NoFap

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Not as bad as article titles made it out to be. lol. I had a bunch of 'no they didn't' moments. Great episode! :joy:

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Damn that was even weirder than the last one, but I legit laughed my ass off.

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waba laba dub dub dab that nug and open the portals to my room

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From the unfunny sperm idea to the bad horse puns, this episode is a huuuge dissapointment.

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First dud this season. Episode felt like it went an hour.

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Shout by Goutham

will we be watching more of The Giant Incest Baby?

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After a promising premiere and a strong second episode, these last two have been my least favorite of the show in a row. This one especially feels more Family Guy than Rick and Morty.

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Well… “that was easy” :joy::joy:

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What an incredibly idiotic episode, even for Rick and Morty.

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Damn, how much work went into building up ridiculous plot points and characters in order to make fun of "pro life" agenda in the end...
I love it. Could be less disgusting although I appreciate the restrain on the details unlike in dragon's episode

"You became a woman today" punchline that caught me off guard. So good.

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I wish i could wash my brain

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“Morty you nasty lying little world ending pervert”

This was a great episode

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Morty keeps getting hornier and hornier with each episode

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The craziness just kept ramping up.

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well that was a lot to take in

I will never not see the Grand Canyon as a huge vagina now lol

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