This was quite a fun and dramatic episode! We get to see some sides of Morty and Rick that we usually don't get to see, literally. Unfortunately the episode relies a lot on plot points of Die Hard for its punchlines, which didn't work as well for me, as someone who's never seen the show. I'm not 17 exactly, but I am 23.

The ending certainly has me wondering about the future of Morty and his personality, but knowing this show, I wouldn't be surprised if it found some way to get us back to the Morty that we all know and love.

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I loved the summer storyline shes the best and all the mortys great insight into himself

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Enjoying Sum Sum’s character development

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Shout by Reiko LJ

A fun romp of an episode with neat references. Summer cracks me up

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So, I said after Episode 1 that I thought I was done with Rick and Morty. It took me a few weeks to come back round to Episode 2, where one of the main plotlines revolves around one of the greatest movies ever made, Die Hard. Many shows in the past have referenced Die Hard, with many pulling off some of their greatest episodes. This though? This sucked. This was boring and over the top, and not as deep as fans will claim it to be. Maybe I'm just depressed and it's really shown through today, but I watched a crappy She-Hulk episode, a BORING first episode of Andor, and this is as bad as both of those.

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Extremely boring and repetitive, liked the Roy stuff somewhat but couldn't stand the Die Hard crap.

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Good to see Tyrion's astonishingly awful 'English' accent on the screen again. I enjoyed the episode as a bit of fun, but I suspect the incomplete Morty will have a big part to play this season.

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Did not enjoy. Bad episode.

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Was still a good episode but possibly one of the Weakest.

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What the hell was that? Terrible episode

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Die hard die hard die hard

What a horrible ending!!! Started off great and then got worse by the minute.

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unlike episode 1 this is Boring

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Witty and fun with references to pop culture, classic Rick and Morty. This episode as enjoyable but also didn’t bring much new.

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Not much to say. Typical Rick and Morty episode, not much happens, nothing particularly special or original about. Fanboys will love it and will think it's 'deep' and 'so smart'. It was ok

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Loved this episode it was so much better than I expected. All the Roy stuff was done really well, not too sure bout the die hard but I think the politics of the Roy stuff was so interesting as it really explores the dynamic and relationship between Rick and morty in such a unique way.

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Shout by Ward

Possibly the worst episode in the entire show so far.

Constant mindless saying of "die hard" "jokes", constant mindless "this isn't a religion" jokes. Boring story of Summer, boring villain, boring story of Rick just wandering around saying mindless shit and off-screen a lot making ships to rescue the Morty's. Speaking of which, it isn't really clear if these people are distilled Morty's, or if they just have a piece of him, "one 5 billionth" so i'm assuming it's that. If so, then it makes no sense there would be a religion or it would spread like that or any of these character's acting like they are, and i felt all of them having the voice of Morty was off and stopped the npc's from having more depth. The whole episode felt juvenile, boring, nonsensical and mediocrely written.

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Not even one of the good die hard tributes.

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this is the best Christmas movie being referenced.

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“I’m 17 no I’ve never seen die hard” that is a ridiculous statement I’m pretty sure even 17 year olds have seen die hard, my family watch it every Christmas

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