Now this is Rick and Morty!

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I actually forgot there was a new voice actor for Rick for a while. But Morty still sounds wrong to me.

Solid episode though.

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See - this episode is much better, heard more from Morty I still think he's about 80% and Rick for me other than missing some gruffness is really good.
Plus it's actually a little nice to not have every side character be just Justin doing a different voice but you can hear it's him.

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This was excellent!! Also what a surprise to hear the theme of Conan's podcast lol

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This should have been the premier episode. Not only was it so much better than the last episode, it was also just really really good.

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just as I suspected... Morty's voice sounds way off in this episode, seems like they used up whatever J.R. managed to record before the scandal... Fuck Adult Swim, Hollywood and this bullshit "guilty until proven innocent", they wont release Jeffrey Epstein's client list, but will virtue signal at first chance they get... same thing happened in the Expanse, so fuck Amazon too...

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This was a really good episode

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Quite possibly one of my favourite episodes of all time, I found it hilarious

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Remember when Rick used to burp and drink?

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While the episode was imo the best in a while, the ending completely lost me.

No person on earth would stay partners with Jerry after this. Not a single one. Beth what are you doing?!?!?

You'd constantly be questioning 'what if there's just 1% of Rick's brain/consciousness in there... we know consciousness can be subdued...' or 'Jerry now intrinsically has some of the memories of Rick's in him. even with the brains separated, part of Jerry is now her father.'

Who could sleep with him after that? Or even be touched by him? Or even look them in the eye?

I appreciated it when Beth initially found out and was like 'nah fuck this' but when they just kept doubling down with being one being, that should have been an instant divorce.

And that's ontop of this show's wierd obsession with, well, incest in previous seasons. them just walking out and shoving the topic under the rug to live in their own little realities has worked mostly til now, that this should fundamentally have been a breaking point for Beth to leave. This should have been the episode to kick Jerry and Rick out for good.

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I’m so glad they did a proper Rick and Jerry episode

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Much much better than season premier.

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Have to say it was a pretty damn good episode. Way better than the last one.

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Much better episode, but the voices are still just not "there" yet.

Love the cooky storyline though. Fart jokes are back on the menu !

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