

Toronto, Canada

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(15 movies)
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(21,745 eps)

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(2,038 movies)
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TV shows and movies I recommend you watch. Unfortunately I can't recommend specific episodes because there's a few awesome episodes I recommend in spite of the show not necessarily being worth it.

Ted Lasso

It's Nice. I don't mean that to undersell the show but to capitalize on the singular quality that defines Ted Lasso. It's nice. It's nice to the lead characters. It's nice to the antagonists. It's not mean. It's not even really sarcastic. It's a show that IS nice to people even if all the characters are nice to each other.

And that somehow is just beautiful.

The most effective movie featuring animated and live action characters. And of course it has genuinely terrifying moments for whatever reason.

A TV spin off of the excellent movie by the same name. How good could it be?

Apparently JUST as good. Holy wow this show is impressive. It manages to keep the same indie documentary vibe while pumping in some of the most effective FXs I've seen on the small screen. Most importantly it's got legs. It sustains the humor for episode after episode. How this hasn't won awards is beyond me. Every single one of the cast is excellent.

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