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Star Trek Beyond 2016

for me, this film felt the most like the original series out of the rest in the AOS series! having the crew stranded on an unknown world, separated, and trying to find their way back to each other - nothing feels more 'star trek' to me!

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A perfect blend of action, comedy, adventure and what makes Star Trek, Star Trek.
As a trekkie I was not disapointed, it had me laughing, touched and captivated just like I was as a kid watching Star Trek.

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This is by far the best movie in the Trilogy. It sticks to star trek ethos and manages to be entertaining at the same time

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Shout by Carlos Teran
BlockedParent2016-07-24T08:12:28Z— updated 2016-10-06T20:32:30Z

It's with a huge relief that I must say that this is the BEST movie so far into the Kelvin Timeline. I found it moving, thoughtful and respectful of Star Trek's legacy. Excellent acting with a good balance between action, humour and sci-fi. It must be said that it's better than Into Darkness, hands down. Probably this is what the franchise needs: someone taking the best traits that make the TV series such an enjoyable experience (the big questions about ourselves as humans) and rise the stakes, even more. I won't spoil it for you guys, but after all it's said and done, you'll let go a small tear for OUR original crew. Farewell, Leonard and Anton. May you all live long, and prosper.

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Beam me up Scotty, I gotta go potty

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It appears that Simon Pegg listened to what I and many others wrote on his blog!
A more character-based outing results in a good final movie for the JJVERSE.

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ok is so odd but I feel like this is a remake of Guardian's of Galaxy, the jokes, the music, the colours...

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Well, this film is beyond awesome, full on action from the start to finish, and that's how i like my action, and that's how a Science Fiction film should be, best of reboot so far.. RIP Anton Yelchin, you did a great job, gone so young, a great actor, and will be missed.. and not forgetting Leonard Nimoy.. Well this film lived up to prosper.. Bring on number 4! 8/10

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This took the trilogy to a higher standard!

Best combination of action, comedy, and drama with a great homage to Leonard Nemoy. A movie every Treki can love and enjoy. I can't wait for what they have next. And I especially love dad the reference to the original series, I won't say more then that. I have a lot of respect of JJ Abrams And Justin Lin, well done!

Watch it if you haven't seen it.

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Don't listen to the detractors who compare this to "Insurrection." This movie, more so than the 2009 reboot or "Into Darkness," has at its core Rodenberry's optimism and call for unity. The crew all get their chances to shine and there is an awareness of original character--rather than the pale fan service of the previous movie--that allows the heart of everything that Roddenberry wanted to shine through. This the Trek movie that we've been waiting for, and it makes me look forward to the next one for the first time. My only complaint? The video-game style direction.

Imagine what Jonathan Frakes could've done with this script and this budget!

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Shout by Deleted

Enjoyable and satisfying! Spock on!

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I was never a trekkie or a fan of the saga but this was a cool movie, light , adventurous with some very good visuals and a story that never bored me. Decent summer movie

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Saw it today in a special preview. Didn't expect much and gotta admit I had Justin Lin pegged as the wrong kind of director for the Trek franchise. He surprised me. Yes, the action scenes especially on the planet were a bit overblown and borderline chaotic but Lin always got back to the human aspect which I didn't think he could. All in all this was a nice continuation of Trek and although the villain was nothing like Khan the threat seemed believable enough to create some drama. It was very important for the movie not to end on the planet because as we all know that's where Trek movies go to die. Lin knew that and got the crew back into space for a battle I will not soon forget. 4/5 from me which is about 3 higher than I expected.

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Based on a sampling of reactions to Star Trek Beyond, the general consensus seems to be that it’s a fun and exciting sci-fi blockbuster that falls in line with Star Trek: The Original Series – and largely improves upon what didn’t quite work in Star Trek Into Darkness.


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Like a new coat of paint: shiny, fresh, and the same as before.

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Indeed the best of the Kelvin timeline.

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Definitly the best Kelvin timeline movie. Jaylah is an awesome character, Krall is a good villain. There's themes! The movie tries to say something and mostly sticks the landing! Its pretty surface level stuff of course but Star Trek 2009 didn't try to say pretty much anything and Into Darkness burried its themes under fanservice. I also love that everyone on the crew has something to do, and that Bones and Spock get some alone time.

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Out of all of the fake Trek films from JJ's ill conceived reboot timeline, this is the least offensive. It is still aggressively mediocre and an insult to the franchise from which it steals its name. Fantastic alien designs and prosthetics, though.

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The best Star Trek movie ever to come out. Definitely, definitely watch it. You won't regret it.

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trekkie stamp of approval tbh. the nerdy baby in me was charmed as all get out by this round of the reboot franchise; if you watched tng, ds-9 or voyager, i think this movie hits in similar ways. those were the ones i grew up with and they mean the world to me, so getting that feeling from a full length hollywood film was nice. (the first is still my fave, hands down.)

also, i put off watching this when it came out because of anton yelchin's passing. i only just now got around to watching it; i'm glad i did, but as always, seeing him on screen is bittersweet.

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Better than the last one but still not as good as the first in the Kelvin timeline. Somewhat forgettable story but fun character moments.

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For having so many troops that were part of the swarm, they sure didn't have many boots on the ground when the team went to rescue them on the planet ... despite it being their "base". Suspend all your beliefs, and it's still not that great of a movie.

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Really loved this when I first saw it at the Cinema in 2013 and a rewatch today. Spectacular 3D and great surround mix.

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The two hours passed really quickly. There was nothing outstanding about the plot, yet the acting, the cast, the visual effects, the diversity of the characters, the action and the space vibe kept me glued to the screen from start to finish. Most movies don't!

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As a trekker, I saw it on the theaters, than I bought the Bluray for my collection but I still didn't watch it again. They destroyed the Enterprise in the worst way. It was a defeat, something completely different from what I expect from the Captain James T. Kirk, the man who past in the Kobayashi Maru test, the man that never accepted loss

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OK, one thing bothers me. In all these shows, the planet, base, etc. seems fully constructed and established. Did they just build themselves. You never see any of the little people in the cast. Everyone is either a warrior, traveler, standing around doing nothing, etc. Where are the maintenance people, the janitors, the utilities or similar type folks? I guess they don't exist in the future!

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I didn't exactly grow up with Star Trek, but, I've seen most of the movies, including all of the Next Generation ones and the previous reboot flicks, watched several episodes with both Kirk and Picard at the helm, and read countless tie-in novels. While this was a fun film, it didn't quite feel like Gene Roddenberry's beloved space opera, both artistically and morally. An overdose of profanity--though still less than was in Into Darkness--and some scenes implying illicit affairs bugged me, as did the pat ending and the overall plot. Entertainment today is all about reboots; "everything old is new again," they say, but I counter with the words of King Solomon: "There is nothing new under the sun." With the plethora of classic television shows, movies, books, music, computer/video games, etc., that are easily accessible from the comforts of home, why do they need to reinvent the wheel countless times? Give us the classics as they originally were; don't redo them!

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For me the weakest of the three new movies. It isn't bad and it might be closer to the original, but I have no idea why that is supposed to make this movie better than the others.

The humor is decent and while there are plenty of action/combat scenes, many of them seemed rather absurd, were very limited in their scope or left me disappointed with the visuals.

The villain was rather disappointing, despite his origin and motivation having some interesting aspect.
How he was beaten personally, or his 'fleet' before him, was simply illogical. It felt forced and lacked any emotional background, like Spock's fight with Khan did, for example.

One of the few strengths of Beyond is that the crew finally represents unity, which isn't really an achievement of Beyond, but simply the fact of it being the third movie.
And then there is the character 'Jaylah', the one and only real highlight of Beyond.

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I watched this film with a friend of mine and we are both huge star trek fans, espacally for TNG and later.

We watched this movie and it made us speechless. this movie is shit. its simply not star trek. everything in this movie is wrong, everything. the charachters, the visuals, the story, the shipdesign, the physics, the universe. everything. it only has the names in common with the original. its just one big action-sequence without any sense, love or dedication for the old series in it. its a soulless abomination.

i feel mortally offended by this movie and all supporters. there is no other film that can achieve this at this level.

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Shout by Deleted

For me, the best of this las triology. It felt way closer to the original show than the other two!!
that whiskey scene KILLED ME, apparently the empty glass is supposed to represent anton....... rip

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I can't relate to people writing that this feels like TOS all over. Frankly the new movies are fine, they are fun to watch and the actors are great... however it never felt like watching Star Trek VI in the cinema. Still a fine movie!

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Simon Pegg should do all the Star Trek scripts from now and on. This installment was the first since the reboot I actually enjoyed, plenty of action with characters you at least care somewhat about and want to see more of. The use of Beastie Boys was silly and fun, reminded me of the more lighthearted 80s Star Trek. I hope this is a direction future films in the series will continue with.

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Characters, special effects... brilliant! I love 'trek' but I can't believe non-tekkies wouldn't love this too

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I like Star Trek, I am addicted. This one make me feel like return to original series plot.

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To be honest I'm glad that the Star Trek franchise is back to what I think Gene Roddenberry would have wanted. More exploration and new planets, less Earth and cluttered sets.

Don't get me wrong...I really liked the first two instalments of the reboot, but Star Trek Beyond seems more "trekky". The whole thing is now a bit lighter, funnier, and not so dark as the first two. Which is a very good thing! I really enjoyed this one so...keep 'em coming.

The only thing that annoyed me is that they are still doing revenge stories. Time to swap that out with something that has been done to death don't you think?

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Fun movie, though quite generic, and _(k)_nowhere near as good as the previous Star Trek: Alternate Reality movies or Guardians of the Galaxy.

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Honestly I'm a bit disappointed in the movie. Sure, you get state-of-the-art gfx (but we wouldn't expect less, so no surprise here), and I love Zach's Spock and the other, but I didn't feel anything special watching this. It was all... pretty expected and with nothing new.

I'm sure the real trekkies will adore this, as it delivers what should be delivered, but for me, I didn't find the interest I was looking (and hoping) for.

Of this series, I loved Star Trek (2009) best, as it had actual character development and many interactions between them.

6.5/10 for me, so voted 6.

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Well, not bad and it certainly is entertaining. But on the other hand it is also not a must see and IHMO a step down from the two previous Star Trek movies directed by J.J. Abrams.

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Great movie. Action packed and held my attention until the end. I'll definitely watch this more than couple times again.

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This is no Star Trek movie. It's just another movie that happens to have Star Trek characters in it. The forced personal journeys at the start. Jeez. I want Sci Fi instead not emo Kirk. The action is CGI heavy, and it looks fine, but there's hardly any dialogue with it. Even in the old Star Trek with a shaky camera to show an attack they'd talk and hatch a plan. No battle tactics or relationships with characters displayed during battle.
The ship is too weak. Spock is weak. They all are shadows of the original characters. The plot is unoriginal and not told well. Same clichés scattered about like... oh no the ship doesn't work when you want it to! Walking into traps! Filled out with action for the sake of it because it takes up screen time.
The bad guy is something from a comic book for the kids of today. I though The Hulk was smashing through a wall when he appears.

It's the type of movie that will age bad. I've seen one of the other new Star Trek movies and it was good. This is a weak one? If

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Shout by Deleted

I know im a still small sparrow. Don't hit a wall. You should be my dragon

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amazing movie and combo of everything,i love it.

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It's a great action movie with a sense of fun with some of the Star Trek spirit as it's backdrop. What it lacks in depth it fills with character interaction and growth. That said, it could have gone without so many modern action movies clichés.

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Just another action sci-fi movie. Star trek? Not really. It's average movie you probably won't play again. I enjoyed watching the movie because there is a lot of action but I expected a little bit more. There are also many stupidities you don't expect in this kind of movie and that's also why I'm giving only 7 points.
If you like action sci-fi movies you will enjoy this one.

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Justin Lin puts a different twist, but I still like what counts as counted, the duo Spock and Bones are still funny

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Best film of the rebooted series yet.

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the most beautiful film in the world

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I get that they were trying to be artsy with the camera movements and angles, but man did it give me a headache. otherwise, it was a pretty meh movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Cannot wait to see this movie!!

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Well I think this is the worst Star Trek movie that's been made, they should of kept with J.J as director....the action was way too much for a star trek movie and the soundtrack is the worst...and very sad storyline...out of all star trek movie this is my vote is the worst...let's hope they get back to star trek in the new movie......

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