

United Kingdom

West Side Story

This is one of the greatest movies ever made! PERIOD!

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife

This is a really special movie. It honours the originals and serves as a direct sequel, expanding the lore of their universe and creating new characters that are fun to follow. It feels like an old-style adventure movie of the likes of "The Goonies", "The Sandlot" or "E.T."

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Charlie's Angels

Kristen Stewart stars in a Alien-esque movie that is as predictable and boring as the title.

The plot is non existent and there is no setup to the premise, there is no explantion about the company that owns the drilling or what they are drilling, there is no history at all to learn about the base or the characters and the creatures and never explained either.

The actors do an okay job with the parts that were given but not enought to make the characters fleshed out, they are basically walking tropes and the majority can be pretty annoying for most of the movie.

The visuals are meant to give a feeling of claustrophobia but instead are just confusing as the whole movie is to dark to watch and the camera movements in all the action and scape scenes become violent so the viewer is unable to understand what is happening in the shot.

Underwater is a underwhelming horror/Thriller movie that does little to engage the audience with suspence or the sense of adventure and so it becomes a boring shore intead of a thrill ride.

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The High Note

Tracee Ellis Ross and Dakota Johnson star in a movie that could have been The Devil Wears Prada but set in the music industry and instead is just a cutsy cookie cutter movie that ends up going nowhere.

Both stars are great, speacially Ellis Ross that shines as the fabulous singer and person that she is, but both of the parts end up just being boring and under developted by the end of the movie with none of them actually acomplishing what they set out to do, the movie hints at it but it is barely there.

Ice Cube does a great job being the "villain", to the point that the viewer actually hates him for undermining Grace.

The David character could have easily been removed from the plot sinse he does not add anything excpect excess baggage to both main ladies and ends up stealing the great finale that could have been of Grace Davis performing her brand new number one song at a sold out show.

The High Note ends up being just a bit dissapointing due to its scrabbled plot and underusage of its stars. Give Tracee Ellis Ross a good movie alredy!

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Trolls World Tour
Space Force

This show is a big pile of garbage.

It is the same as someone making fun of a whoppe cushion, you just can'tt make it funny. The amont of plots that are intrudeced and droped often in the same episode is insane. Cast is so talented but it is complitely obliterated by the worse script i have ever seen, it is full of cliches and jokes from 5 years ago.

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Lady and the Tramp

Perfectly charming movie with adorable scenes and the real dog that plays Lady is the cutest thing. The Bella Notte scene is the best here with Tony being a great role. The rest of the movie doesn't add much to the original animated version and after Lady returns home from the dog pound the movie kinda goes downhill and becomes generic.

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Schitt's Creek: 5x14 Life Is a Cabaret

WOW! The episode is one of the best I have ever seen on TV.

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Wow Olivia Wilde knows what being young is like, the pool scene is a literally journey of a teenager/ young adult through society, beautiful soft sleek ride into a harsh reality.

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The Hustle

If they did this movie with just Anne Hathaway it would be a perfect campy movie about a strong smart bitch who is fabulous, but they didn’t. Rebel Wilson adds nothing but toilet jokes and the finale is terrible.

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Crazy Rich Asians


It is like my wildest dreams of a movie all into one, there is romance, comedy, a make-over, fabulous clothes, fabulous houses, a fabulous cast, handsome gorgeous half-naked man, women that are bitches but also very fabulous and glamorous. Have i mentioned how fabulous everything is??

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The Happytime Murders

This movie is terrible which is a shame, the concept it's actually pretty great and i really fell in love with the character of Phil, a former detective turned PI after a bad accident, I would actually like to see a movie about him with Bubbles as his silly secretary solving a mystery while working on his own personal issues, but the whole movie is just filled with idiotic characters and childish humour that just kinda makes you feel bad for even watching it, the movie is dirty just for the shock value, and the sex scene is... gross. Melisa McCarty is not terrible but not good either, Joel McHale is extremely annoying (as usual, not a fan) and Elizabeth Banks adds another terrible performance to the list of bad movies she has been in lately (Banks hasn't been in a good movie since Walk of Shame in 2014, and even that is a stretch). So this is a usual occurrence in Hollywood where the pitch of the movie is great but then the execution is just terrible.

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The Greatest Showman

This movie is terrible, not only ignored the real history of P. T. Barnum, the music is nauseating, it tries to be a feel good movie with a message but just ends up being a cheap musical production, with no art or story in it.

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Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

WOW this movie is crazy banana pants, and... I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!! It is just a feel god movie and with ABBA iconic songs it can do no wrong,
Lily James is exceptionally good, as is Amanda Seyfried which surprised me with realy good vocals specially in "One of Us", then there is the fabulous Cher.... IT IS CHER!!!!

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Peter Rabbit

This movie is very cheesy and it uses so many cliches but at the same time it is just so charming!

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Pitch Perfect 3

This movie is so stupid and bonkers.... I LOVE IT. It's so bad that is good, just pour yourself a glass of wine and get drunk while you watch it.

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SO SO GOOD! It was funny, scary and amazing! Who can hate on this film, it's much better then everyone thought it would be, maybe better than the originals! Not a perfect movie but it is a really strong 9.

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The Legend of Tarzan

This movie was so bad!, First movie that makes me wanna leave the cinema room in the first 30 mins. It was boring, the scrip is a mess and it sounds more like a movie about the american civil war then the legend of Tarzan. The whole love story of Tarzan and Jane is not there, and his childhood is told by flashbacks mixed with scenes that have nothing to do with the story and are just there to add time to the movie. A lot of people were saying that was visually stunning but that seems not to be the case as well, it is so dark it looks like BvS, there is not colour at all, and the visuals affects are just meh. I do not recommend this movie at all.

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Shadowhunters: 1x03 Dead Man's Party

I really want to like this show because i like the story of the books but this show is just awful they can't do anything right! Terrible actors they are. and the script is the worst.

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The Magicians: 1x01 Unauthorized Magic

WOW!! This is the weirdest show ever! I am so intrigued by it, I can't wait to see what is coming in the rest of the season. And at the same time i think that this show is a little bit messy and that it was al over the place but it was so so good.

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This show is like a slutty awful version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Compared to this the movie is an Oscar winner. i never had a tv show that made me feel so sick, it was cliche after cliche, super bad acting, bad effects, bad casting, bad characters, bad script, bad costumes. I was really looking forward for this show since i kinda enjoyed the movie and i liked the story of the books but this is just down awful.

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This movie was so delightful! It is not Cooper's best performance nut it is overall good. Absolutely loved Sienna Miller's character and the whole movie had a great sense of harmony, and the cinematography was quite amazing it really made me hungry.

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Scream Queens: 1x02 Hell Week

This just became my all time favourite show!! "Why you gotta a knife in your throat?!!" This is like Mean Girls meets perfection, Ariana Grande is so freaking hilarious, Lea Michele just became amazing and Emma Roberts, "Surprise bitch," FABULOUS. OH and Nick Jonas just turn into my most recent obsession, damn he is good.

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Game of Thrones: 5x10 Mother's Mercy

WHAT THE ****?? I Can't wait another year for season 6.

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Animated Disney Movies

There is also missing the 2 Beauty and the Beast sequels. "Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas" and "Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Magical World"

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Animated Disney Movies

Why aren't the Aladdin's sequels in the list?
There is "Alddin: The Return of Jafar" and "Aladdin and the King of Thieves".

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Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit

One of my favorite movies ever!!!!

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