

Hot Ones: 23x13 Conan O'Brien Needs a Doctor While Eating Spicy Wings

An all-timer episode. He came to entertain and, gloriously, he did.

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Whose Line Is It Anyway?: 12x21 Kaila Mullady

This was one of the best episodes of the revival, perhaps even the best. Every moment was gold.

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Lazy Susan

I came upon one of the sketches (the bar trope reversal) while scrolling, and I found it quite clever. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the only truly clever thing in the show. The pilot episode was much funnier than anything that they wrote in the actual series.

They only managed to write four episodes of less than 20 minutes, relying so, so heavily on running ideas that are barely that funny into the ground by basically just repeating the same joke over and over. They a joke that french filmmakers don't know how to write female characters, but at the same time the show exhibit's a terrible ability at writing male characters.

Thankfully, the whole thing is not a lengthy watch. I wouldn't recommend it to anybody. Instead, if you're looking for a good female-led sketch show I would suggest turning your eyes towards The Baroness Von Sketch Show. It's much better.

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Turning Red

I never thought twerking could be funny until I watched this movie.

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Fever Pitch: The Battle for the Premier League

Like the first installment, it is a little bit too ManUtd-centric. Granted, they are a dominant force in the league, but they get more attention than everybody else in all the episodes. Other than that, it's decent enough. Entertaining to watch.

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Maggie Simpson in "Rogue Not Quite One"

I'll just say this: before Disney, The Simpsons used to make Oscar-winning shorts.

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[Homer's voice] Mmmmmm unexplained bacon

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My Own 15 Best of 2018/19 TV: Comedy

"List Notes": [
item: "shows/fleabag/seasons/2",
note: "note 1"
item: "shows/the-good-place/seasons/3",
note: "note 2"

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Poorly Drawn Lines

As a fan of the webcomic, this was right up my alley, but I feel like if this show is your first exposure to PDL it could feel a little bit underwhelming. The only problem I had with this is that it limited itself with a regular cast of character as opposed to the comic where it's kind of open and not so well defined, allowing it to tap into a much bigger pool of material for topics and jokes. Had this been made like a "sketch" show, in the vein of Don Hertzfeldt Rejected, it would have felt much closer to the comic and maybe came out even better?

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The Premise

It's called The Premise because the premise is the only interesting part of it, and even that is a stretch. Each episode had different flaws than the other, half of them felt like being lectured to, and the other half were confusing in terms of what they were trying to say, but they all had one thing in common in that they all end in a disappointing way.

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The Moth Effect

A lot of the sketches are politics, and thus they require you to agree with their message to be able to see the humour in them. I liked it, it was right up my alley, but YMMV.

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The People vs. Larry Flynt

As a re-imagined version of the truth, this movie is alright. If it told the truth, it would have been a totally different movie.

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I Am Sam

I remember watching this as a kid and being moved by it, and by Penn's performance. Seeing it now as an adult it's incredible how exploitative this award-bait movie was.

The whole purpose of the movie was to just use disability as a heart-tug tactic without any authenticity to the characters, and the plot was contrived at best and nonsensical at worst. The direction was godawful, though. From the style of direction to the directorial choices made throughout the movie, it was just a shitfest.

I feel bad for everybody involved in the making of this turd.

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The Babushkas of Chernobyl

Females are strong as hell.

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The Great Buddha+

This maybe should have stayed a short movie. While I really loved the concept of "two ordinary dudes go looking for some sexy time and get served a moral dilemma" A LOT, the movie does not really grow much outside of that concept. Sure it was fun, funny and enjoyable for the most part, but as the time went on, the voiceover became more verbose and overbearing and it was like watching an audiobook.

That being said, I feel like a better editor would have shaved some minutes off the movie to improve the pacing and make it tighter, but then again... after removing all the extraneous scenes all you'll be left with is the short movie.


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A Date for Mad Mary

This was alrite. Bit mad that Darren Thornton hasn't directed anything since this debut film. The story is not all that original but the direction shows a clear understanding of the emotional core of these kind of stories and the characters. So even though the story doesn't tread any new ground, it hits all the necessary emotional notes to make you give a shit or two about what is happening. While this sounds pretty simple, it's not that easy to pull off.

The "A fucking sniper wouldn't take you out" line had me like :joy::joy::joy:

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A Twelve-Year Night

While this hits all the major notes of ye ol' prison story, it fails to elicit any emotions beyond "this is sad" and does not allow the viewer to engage on a personal level with the story. There was no insight into the mind of the 3 characters, so the viewer is left looking in from the outside, thinking nothing but "this is sad", and that loses its effect real quick.

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Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot

Very uneven. Parts of it are worthwhile, but most of the first half is wanky and really unpleasant to watch. The non-linear storytelling was unnecessary and just created confusion.

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Bad Poems

I loved how visually ambitious this movie was, it had some of the best transitions I've seen in a movie recently. I liked the introspective nature of the script but I found that the story progressed in an uneven way.

Some aspects of the story, like Tamás' childhood and his relationship with various family members and friends, were well-developed and therefore were interesting to watch. However the movie's treatment of the seemingly-central relationship of the movie, Tamás' relationship with Anna, left much to be desired, as the viewer was not given an understanding of why the relationship was so important to him that he was THIS affected about it ending.

And then you have the ending which was a really nice conclusion for one of the relationships explored in the movie, but did not conclude the movie in a definite way.

All in all, I really liked it. It definitely exceeded my expectations, and the director might be one to watch for in the future.

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The Present

The film is very honest and straightforward, if a viewer cannot connect with its message it's more likely to do with their own presuppositions than the movie failing to deliver its message.

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Riders of Justice

The crazy quartet (Anders Thomas Jensen, Mads Mikkelsen, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Nicolas Bro) delivers once again.

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The central idea is neglected love, the story goes about it by introducing a life-altering event of the kind that brings things to a halt and initiates a re-consideration of one's life. This is all fine and dandy, but when the life altering event is a terminal illness, it puts a damper on things and it maybe overshadows the central idea.

This is not a criticism of the movie, per se. The movie is fine as it is, but it's just a little bit too sad. Even when there are "fun" things happening in a scene, it provides no relief from the overbearing sadness of the story.

Anyway, not a terrible movie, just a lil bit too sad for my liking.

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The plot is a little implausible but if you can look past that it's a decent enough movie.
The courtroom scene was emotionally poignant.
I respected that they didn't want to go the route of the schmaltzy ending but I'm not sure the ending they went with was necessarily better.

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There's a lot of racial injustice stories out there, Time does not do anything to differentiate itself from them. The result is a story you've heard so many times that it has long lost its impact.

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25 Years of Innocence

While you can predict every beat of this movie based on the synopsis alone, it does not make it any easier to watch. It's the same old story, yet however many times you tell it, it will still get you every time.

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It's not awful but it's too schmaltzy, a little on the nose, and tries to do too many things at once.

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Red Penguins

whoa this story is wiiiild

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Acasă, My Home

Assimilate or be destroyed. In a world where only one way of being is accepted, a family of square pegs are pushed into round holes, and then they're told that they don't fit and should fuck off.
There was a lot of striking imagery in this movie. A royal prince was standing two feet from a shack dweller, a father refuses to act responsibly towards his children, and an apple doesn't fall far from a tree.

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