Well that's it. Finally Vanessa is at peace, I hope. I am not mad or sad that it ended this way... I thought it would end like this. But like I said in a previous comment, I think this was rushed. It needed one more episode or two I think... Like for example I don't know it could have been cool if Vanessa made Ethan fight or something... Then in defeat asks him to kill her... They could have explained better the wolf situation with Kaetenay (sorry if i forgot his name), it was vague... Also they introduced a kick-ass woman, Cat, and it could have been awesome to see more of her. sigh well, that's how shows work nowadays... It's sad that it didn't have the viewing audience it deserved. I am just glad there is an awesome, chilling show with AMAZING acting, and gave Eva Green a super hard character, and how she pulled it off... wow. She really is the show. And at the end you really learned to like all of the characters even when some of them weren't yur cup f tea.

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