Review by Andrew Bloom

South Park: Season 20

20x07 Oh, Jeez

6.2/10. And this is the problem with the season-long arc idea (an idea which I love by the way) for a show that's dictated, in many ways, by current events. When you start building to your arc's conclusion based on what appear to be the likely results of an election, and then the election takes a giant left turn, it can leave the episode right after, where you're clearly having to change gears, feeling kind of aimless or slapped together.

So when Bill Clinton (with his good buddy, Bill Cosby) starts his "Gentleman's Club" it seems like it would make more sense if he was actually First Gentleman. The Member Berry brain washing feels like an odd direction to take things. And while the James Bond riffing was amusing, the reasons for Hillary to send Gerald into the troll trap feel less convincing. Even Cartman's big Mars plan has the sense that it's coming out of nowhere, despite his Mars-daydreams in the prior episode.

I'm glad that the show has gotten more ambitious with its storytelling, but the team behind the scenes was scrambling after an unexpected Trump win, and it showed, with the whole effort seeming much more slapdash and stitched together than usual.

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