Review by RiGHT

Chance 2016

A great series that gets you totally engaged from the very first minute. At first I was surprised to read that Hugh Dr House Laurie got into a doctors role again. I didnt read the full synopsis. I was a bit sceptical about this most likely being a sort of "lets try to be as succesful as that other doctor" - totally wrong. The opening episode created a basis for the rest of the season, one that I did not expect. From the third episode or so I thought I knew exactly in what way it was heading, but I kept wanting to see more to find out if I was right or not. Every episode there was one or even more extra pieces to the puzzle. But still, no total overview. And at some point I started wondering if I even was working on the right puzzle. It's amazing how basically everyone in this series is crazy - at least to some extend. And the path that Eldon Chance is taking towards ... (what?) is also very interesting to follow. I totally enjoyed it.

Of course, the series takes 'real' (neuro)psychology a bit lightly, and split personalities also don't really work in the way the series shows - but I'll accept some artistical liberties on that. Overal a very interesting series which kept me entertained from the first episode all the way till the end.

I don't see yet how they will be able to make a season 2 story as well thought-out as this without becoming dull or just plain and simple weird...

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