Synopsis: During gym class, Lizzie discovers that she has a natural talent for rhythmic gymnastics! She and her friends think it's the lamest thing ever, but, Lizzie decides to go ahead and represent the school in a regional competition. When her nemesis Kate attempts to sabotage her performance, will Lizzie emerge victorious?

The Good: This early episode is just as fun and cute as the other ones I've seen lately. Lizzie and her friends are likable, Kate is utterly despicable, and there's plenty of humor to go around. What's not to like?

The Bad: Nothing, really.

Content Concerns:
Sex: A girl uses her feminine wiles to get a guy to do what she wants.
Nudity: A girl in an outfit that shows some slight midriff.
Language: Name-calling.
Violence: Comedic pratfalls.
Drugs: None.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: None.

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