Good episode after all. I enjoyed it,and it didn't feel rushed. I knew Patterson was shot, but I didn't expect Borden aka Nigel to not drive her to the hospital,but to Shepherd. Even though you know Patterson wasn't going to die, it was difficult not to cringe when Shepherd was torturing her.
I really loved Roman and June's relationship. it was very comforting. I really love their dynamic as actors. And that ending, though. There's something wrong with Patterson. I mean, why did Borden go directly to Shepherd when she asked him to kill her? And why did he say that Patterson was back at the FBI? Did they jut a microchip in her or something? and that book code. Weller's reaction when he knew Patterson knew about it was awkward, even after she said she had read the notes. It was weird.
And the question I've been asking myself for a very long time? What's Patterson real name? Why don't we know about it? I don't think I've missed it. it felt weird when David called her Patterson, and now Borden did it again. She's his girlfriend, why doesn't he called her by her name? Is her name Patterson too? I don't know, I think it will be important, otherwise, we would've known it already. Maybe she's the real Taylor Shaw? Btw, next week's episode's promo looks promising.

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@vero-winchester wow, i just realized it that Patterson never been mention by her given name. and I check imdb listed her as patterson , nothing else

@snydez I know right? I even checked it myself just to be sure. It's never mentioned, but why? Everyone else has a name and it's really weird she doesn't have one. Even her boyfriend call her Patterson. It's driving me crazy and I think she has a bigger role to play. Her name has to be the key of something. And since Weller is that important to Sandstorm maybe she's Taylor Shaw after all? I don't know, but it's driving me crazy, especially since last episode.

@vero-winchester Here on trakt, her name shows as Patterson Leung, but I don't know where they get that info. Anyway, I hope you right about Patterson have a bigger role.

@silverteemo Patterson Leung? I've never heard that. But I'm gonna check it out, just in case. Yeah, me too. I hope I'm right and she has a bigger role to play. That would be wonderful.

@vero-winchester you imply that Weller's dad lied to him, when he said he killed Taylor? and those remains were from another poor unknown kid?
