This review is for the first episode only. -> NO SPOILERS <-

This first episode leaves a mind boggling, uncertain feeling about the future of this show. And I mean this in the most excellent way possible.

It's a whole show, what I mean by that is it leaves you with a taste in your mouth of completeness, but not enough to satisfy any of the needs it gives.

This is a show that fires up on all kinds of perspectives, raises questions, makes history loveable, turns your inside with a certain level of strangeness, and so far, it tells the story of a man whoose father's land is being passed on to him after the late's death. It's a fairly fleeble way to describe what happens in this episode, but as I said before, it gives all kinds of tastes.

Really, it's very much complicated to put into words, so I would really suggest you keep watching, or if you didn't watch the episode, do, because it's really, really, mind-intense.

Also, Tom Hardy is always exceptional, his presence in this show is so heavy on, that in most important scenes, he almost doesn't even need to talk, his character is a thundering mystery that just waits to be opened. Also, he's not the only one doing a great job, he is as heavy on as he is because all the other actors are really doing a marvelous job.

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