Review by Aniela Krajewska

Supergirl: Season 2

2x09 Supergirl Lives

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-01-24T05:21:59Z— updated 2018-10-11T19:56:43Z

Supergirl is finally back, which means that I'm back to getting up at 4:30 AM just to bring you these dank-ass reviews that you guys love so much (sarcasm alert) before I have to go to school.

I think the writers finally remembered that Kara is the title character. This episode focused more on her and put her at the center of the story instead of sidelining her like the last few episodes did.

I just have to say, Roulette certainly knows how to make an entrance. And going from running an underground fight club in National City to running intergalactic slave trade on another planet? That is impressive. I mean, I don't condone her actions, but you gotta admire her talent for business.

I hope that we'll get to see more of Kara the Reporter. Working at CatCo used to be such a big part of her storyline, integral to her growth as Supergirl, and now she's barely ever there. If Cat Grant were here, she wouldn't stand for this.

And she most definitely wouldn't stand for the whole Man-Hell mess. They're trying to make him a more likeable character because they want the audience to jump aboard the Karamel ship. Well, how do I put this politely? You've got to be fucking kidding me. This guy was a selfish, immature jackass right from the get-go, he was just plain rude to Kara on multiple occassions, he didn't want to have anything to do with the superhero business until the plot needed him to. Honestly, it would've been so much better if he had stayed Kara's clueless little brother. She even compared him to her cousin at one point, so how can you not get creepy incest vibes from this relationship? I know I do.

(Sidenote: I feel like the writers saw Katie McGrath and her magical inability to play a straight character, realized that a lot of people shipped Kara and Lena, and scrambled in panic towards the writers' room to get Kara together with the first male character they could think of because we already have one (1) LGBT character on this show and now Kara has to be an Outstanding Heterosexual or the homophobes would lose their minds.

Sidenote #2: I didn't really ship Karolsen in season 1, but goddamn it, I'll take it over Karamel any day.)

I liked Winn's storyline. Jeremy Jordan nailed all the emotions that our beloved computer geek had to deal with after his brush with death. And his excitement when he managed to overcome his fear and defend himself was adorable.

Alex and Maggie were happy and domestic, Maggie was wearing Alex's shirt, Alex's heart eyes were out of control and I fucking died. Then the angst came, but fortunately, it was resolved pretty quickly. And damn, Maggie was sporting such a gay look in that last scene. Amazing.

"- Plus, the glasses don't help.
- I always said that too. It's kind of ridiculous."

Oh, thank God. At least one person's noticed how lame Kara's disguise is. I knew that Maggie "I'm a Detective, Agent Danvers, I detect" Sawyer wouldn't let me down.

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Out of all that... did you really just call them "Karamel"? LOL.

The glasses-as-disguise thing has always been a big stretch, but, hey, that's a fundamental aspect of Superman/Supergirl-ness that's just too deeply rooted to change, so... Even as we continue to develop and advance technologies such as, say, facial recognition. (Hmm, wonder if Clark has a Facebook page? -- oops.)
