Shout by Nancy L Draper

Fences 2016

This is nominated for 4 Oscars: Best Picture, Best Actor (Denzel Washington), Best Supporting Actress (Viola Davis) and Best Adapted Screenplay. There was enough of the original play left in the movie, to see why it would work so well on the stage. It reminded me of the great scripts of the American playwrights, like Arthur Miller's All My Son's. Great writing, fast paced dialogue, family themes and tragedy, reflecting period Americana. But what might be classic theatre didn't translate to exceptional cinema, for me. Out of 10 I give it an 8 (great for its echoes of the stage), but the story didn't resonate for me. I understood the father's internal logic, but could not see either a hero or an anti-hero, just a tragedy. I can, however, see how it may have resonated for others who see a shared experience, or, who are more closely tied to the culture. No Oscar winners here, for me.

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