Review by Aniela Krajewska

Supergirl: Season 2

2x14 Homecoming

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-02-28T07:02:57Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:33:45Z

I'm just going to start off by listing the 3 shittiest things that He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named did in this episode, okay? By the way, please enlighten me, how does a dude who does multiple shitty things per episode even stand a chance with Kara, let alone actually get together with her?

  1. Calling Kara helping people as Supergirl "little superhero-ing".

  2. Immediately disregarding Kara's wishes and telling everyone about their relationship.

  3. Ignoring what Kara said (again) and trying to brush it off (again).

I just don't get it. A part of me thinks, or hopes, that the writers are doing this on purpose to show what a toxic relationship looks like and how not to treat your significant other, but let's be real, that's probably not it. They actually seem to think that this shit is cute and romantic. And it makes me sick.

Sure, Man-Hell was right about Jeremiah. But contrary to popular belief, the end doesn't justify the means. He could have proved his point without being an asshole. But I guess that's just how he rolls, right? And we're supposed to let it slide because... he's conventionally attractive?

Honestly, fuck this guy.

Alex's confrontation with Jeremiah was a powerful moment and Chyler Leigh once again brought her A-game.

How long will I have to scream into the void about Maggie's lack of screentime before someone finally hears me? I can't believe the showrunners think I'm more interested in What's-His-Face than in this amazing woman, who:

  1. is simultaneously an absolute badass and the softest human being I have ever seen (those dimples, man, Jesus Christ, what a bae)

  2. was outed to her parents and kicked out of the house at 14

  3. is such a good detective that she figured out Kara's secret by herself

  4. is a good, pure, unproblematic fave who deserves better.

I have no dignity left anymore, I will literally beg if I have to. I'll sell my soul if that's what it takes to get her a proper storyline. Sure, the family dinner thing was cute, and the way she comforted Alex was wonderful. Maggie Sawyer is a kind, supportive girlfriend who listens to Alex and is always there for her, and the way they keep trying to draw parallels between Sanvers and Karamel lowkey makes me want to die. They're not similar! At all! Not in a million years! One is based on mutual love, respect and support, and the other is an abusive garbage fire. I'm starting a campaign. Let Maggie Sawyer deck Fuckboy in the face 2017.

And another thing: I guess Karamel can be all over each other, make out, wake up in bed naked after obviously having sex, but God forbid Maggie and Alex do anything more than kiss for exactly 1.5 seconds. No, I'm not bitter, why do you ask?

Does Cadmus want to send all aliens back into space? Hey, here's a thought: maybe they can use that big-ass ship to launch Mayo-El into the Phantom Zone? Pretty please?

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@aniela-krajewska all the hate for Mon-El for being a douche but no hate for Alex on this episode for being deliberately stupid and blind cause of sentimentality despite being a freakin "soldier"...? i think you are a little biased. Not saying that Mon-El isn't a weak character but i cannot understand how he could be the only negative aspect of a set of characters that forgot all reason on this episode, especially Alex.

@aniela-krajewska All the hate for Mon-El and none for Alex on this episode for being deliberately stupid and blind cause of sentimentalty despite being a freakin "soldier"...? I think you are a little biased... Not saying that Mon-El isn't a weak chracter but he was the only voice of reason on this episode whille the rest of the characters seemed a little too gullible that reached the point of irritation. Well i guess some people can't see the flaws of their favorite characters (no offense intended)

@aniela-krajewska you don't give up, do you?

That big-ass ship (and the context) reminded me a little of Hydra's hidden plans for Project Insight's three big Helicarriers...
