Review by Aniela Krajewska

Supergirl: Season 2

2x15 Exodus

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-03-07T05:09:37Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:29:22Z

New favorite episode this season. Hands down.

Alex going rogue and just beating the shit out of Cadmus people was so good to watch. I loved every second of it. And don't you dare tell me that she did it for the wrong reasons. Alex Danvers is the biggest Slytherin to ever Slytherin. At the end of the day, family comes first. That's just who she is. And it doesn't make her a bad person or a bad agent.

Maggie was on my screen for more than 20 seconds! Merry fucking Christmas to me! She's apparently gotten much better at pool, too. And she wanted an actual flash grenade for winning? What a dorky badass. I'd die for her.

"- I wish I had what you two have.
- Go away, Brian."

Am I still laughing? Yes. Yes, I am.

Also, Alex is Maggie's "ride or die". They are such a good team, working together seamlessly, kicking ass and supporting each other through everything. My little gay heart can't handle Sanvers. And Alex would definitely make an excellent arm candy.

Look at that, Kara had her own storyline! And a moral dilemma! And it was about journalism! So much yes. I'm super mad about her getting fired, though. Snapper had better hire her back soon. Remember when working at CatCo was an integral part of Kara's storyline and she said she couldn't be Supergirl without her job keeping her grounded? Good times.

Kara biting her lip while talking to Lena? Supergirl saving Lena and carrying her in her arms? I'm not saying it's gay, but it's so gay. And it's also an interesting, healthy, respectful relationship. Do the writers really think we'd rather see Karamel happen than Supercorp?

"Maybe being Supergirl and having you is enough."

Okay, here's the plan: we go home, we vomit. Then we book the next flight to Vancouver, get into the writers' room and ask them what the fuck they're doing. They should ask themselves "What would Cat Grant say about this?". Because she would definitely disapprove.

But yeah, aside from that one garbage moment this episode was awesome. And that scene between Kara and Alex when they were trying to stop the alien ship was raw and epic, and absolutely, utterly spectacular. This is the kind of content that we should get every week.

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