[8.7/10] I just love the fact that you can take the civil servant out of the government but you can’t take the government out of the civil servant. The fact that even when she’s on suspension, Leslie can’t help trying to do her job, to the point that she basically makes her own shadow parks department to try get things done. The fact that it’s also a way for her to sublimate some anger at Chris is a nice touch too, even if she ends up apologizing to him at the end. The fact that she’s polling poorly is a blow, but it’s clear from the P.C.P. (the group, not the drug) that she has the perseverance and crazy Leslie Knope zeal to see it through.

And the rest of the gang is going to help her! The final moment of the episode, with the entire department stepping up to run her campaign, is one of the most touching in the series. Ron is particularly on fire, from his being furious at Leslie’s “thoughtful, personal” gifts, to his quiet protestations that he wanted to build a miniature wooden parks department rather than a gingerbread house, to his angry inability to glue graham crackers together. There’s a lot of comedy from the gang banding together, but the way it all falls into place when Leslie walks in is lovely. There’s always been a beating heart on this show, and everyone being willing to give up their lives to support Leslie, because she’s always done it for them, proves that with gusto.

Ben wondering what his next job will be and interviewing around has a solid amount of good comedy as well. I love the guy at the accounting firm who (mildest of mild spoiler alerts) you’ll see again and is a delight in his dorkiness everytime. The horror of Dennis Feinstein’s interview is great, as is Jean Ralphio’s terribly-put but surprisingly helpful advice. The notion of driven Ben taking some time to explore himself is a good one.

But overall, this is an episode about Team Leslie, and from her fervent citizen action, to everyone banding behind her, it’s full of the true X-mas spirit – the spirit of giving your time and talent for someone you care about it, because you know they’d do the same for you.

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