I did have fun watching this season and this finale, admittedly because I still enjoy the character performances by the actors (especially Tom Mison), but there are times when the plotholes' capacity to suck me through into a pocket-universe of WTFery do make me stop and shake my head...

In this one, there was...

Henry: I hate you, Father! Die!
Ichibod: Wait!
Henry: Ergghh?
Ichibod: Because... Freedom!
Henry: Freedom good. Okay. Bye.
Me: <scratch my head> WTF?

And what was with Jobe declaring Malcolm's contract void? Just like that? I thought Hell had rules? Nothing has changed Malcolm's contract, Jobe. Malcolm's just a little less immortal than he was a minute ago. So what happened should probably have gone more like...

Malcolm: Why am I still bleeding?
Diana: Madam President, I'll explain why this was necessary later. <fires her gun>
Malcolm: <staggers back a bit, a new red stain spreading from a spot just left of his chest's center> Whaa...?
Diana: <fires her gun again>
Malcolm: <head whips back, stunned look on his face, new red spot on his forehead; falls to the floor>
Ichibod: <to Jobe> I believe this concludes your contract with Mr. Dreyfuss?
Jobe: <with the slightest of nods, bursts into gassy flames and vanishes>

I suppose that would tarnish this we-don't-kill-other-humans image the show seems to want to keep clean for its protagists, but this is a war, dammit, and not all of the demons are inhuman. Show that. (Add a little demony-red wisp of something escaping Malcolm's expiring body if it helps.) We can take it.

Anyway, these actors somehow still manage to make the rest of it fun. I could be annoyed at Ichibod's blithe declaration that he will most certainly escape his new Devilish entanglement, but I could also see how he would project such a bravado so as to reassure Diana that he will not give up on it, so, okay.

And the "Highway to Hell" outro (to the cavorting kraken in the background) was a bit blunt, perhaps -- we're they striding away to the beat of the music? -- but there was still something a bit funny about it.

Ah, well. Like others, I still enjoy the show ("This is a theater, not a morgue!"), but I really hope that the writers/producer seriously tighten up the plot construction for next season. Most of the more gaping plot holes feel more like cheap laziness than anything else; they can do better, and the show would do better...

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