Review by Andrew Bloom

Bob's Burgers: Season 7

7x14 Aquaticism

[9.5/10] For all the rich character, the well-structured storytelling, and amazing oddball vibe of this show, sometimes I neglect to mention how damn funny it is. All of those other things are great, and I would argue, vital to why the show is as good as it is, but part of what makes Bob’s Burgers such an enjoyable half hour every week is the fact that I consistently laugh my head off at it.

I mean good lord, just at the singles’ mixer scene, I nearly died of laughter. Bob and Linda’s awkward small talk (“Wait the alarm has voicemail?”). Teddy’s too-small tux (“It’s from prom. Not my prom.”). Mort trying to cut in and then backing away. Great sarcastic asides from Louise and funny add-in lines from Gene. Tina getting stuck on heating churches. It doesn’t always advance the story, but damn if it isn’t just hilarious all the same.

The main story, featuring the kids trying to help a local aquarium stay open by getting it declared a church and thus tax-exempt, was a nice engine for the episode. I especially enjoyed how the whole religion thing (which Louise really committed to as a trick) was meant as a ruse, but it really did serve the purpose of a place of worship for Tina. It added just enough depth to the story.

I also loved the twist that the IRS Agent actually got into the religion. His flirting with the Aquarium owner was, again, delightfully awkward, and the resolution that they lose the exemption, but the two start dating was a nice way to resolve everything. Again, there’s enough off-kilter heart to go with the comedy.

And the B-story, with Bob trying to learn how to be charming and get tips like Linda was a nice source of laughs too. Bob and Linda are just such a perfect comedic pairing, and a quest like trying to be pleasant enough to get good tips is the sort of quotidian subplot the show does well.

Overall, this was a really well done ep, that packed in tons of laughs from start to finish.

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@andrewbloom I cracked so bad when Teddy starts twisting in the mixers, and when Bob practices "touching" Linda on the shoulder hahahaha when he tries to prove he's charming and makes everyone uncomfortable, including myself just by looking at it. Great episode!

@palharesf Bob's social awkwardness is an inexhaustible source of comedy on the show!
